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Sasha looked over and let out a laugh. “These guys forget we don’t eat as much as them.”

“Speak for yourself,” Mila said. “I out eat Josh regularly.”

“Bitch,” Sasha replied with a smile.

Hunter moved next to her, his arm brushing against hers. How could such a simple touch send such heat bursting through her body?

“You okay?” he asked quietly, leaning in.

She watched his lips before raising her gaze to his.

“I’m fine.”

Cady concentrated on eating, content to listen to everyone around her as they bantered back and forth. It was obvious they’d known each other for years. What must it be like to have friendships like that?

“You’re not eating,” Hunter pointed out.

“Oh, I’m full. It was good, though.”

He grinned. “No need to lie. The salads were great thanks to Mila and Sasha but Josh can’t grill to save himself.”

She chuckled. “Well, I thought it was great.”

“Thank you, Cady,” Josh said loudly. “At least someone appreciates my grilling.”

Hunter sat back, placing his arm across the back of her chair. His fingers brushed against her shoulder, sending shivers of desire along her skin.

“That wasn’t a compliment,” Hunter told him. “This was her first barbeque, she has nothing to compare this massacre too.”

“Massacre! Well, it’s your turn next, Hunter.”

“Bring it on,” Hunter said with a grin.

Cady sat back and listened to them chat back and forth, the insults flying thick and fast. When Mila stood to start clearing, Gray and Connor got up to help.

Cady stood up and grabbed some dirty plates, carrying them into the house.

“Thanks, Cady,” Mila told her. “Just put them on the counter. I’m so glad you could make it today, I’ve heard Josh talking about you and it’s nice to finally meet you.”

“It was very kind of you to invite me.”

“I’ve got to say I was shocked when Hunter finally hired a woman. Not that a woman can’t do the job,” she added quickly, “but Hunter’s so protective. You’re brave working with them. If you ever need some female company just give me a call. Come on, let’s go join them.”

Cady followed her out, taking a seat next to Hunter again. He continued his conversation with Simon who sat on the other side of him, but he dropped his hand down onto her thigh and squeezed lightly. Immediately, her pussy clenched.

Cady’s breath caught in her throat and she nearly choked on the sip of beer she’d taken. She coughed loudly, gasping slightly. Hunter turned to her with a frown of concern, pounding on her back.

“Are you okay? Do you need a drink of water?”

“I’m fine,” she whispered in a harsh voice. “Beer went down wrong.”

He continued to rub her back and pleasure filled her body, hardening her nipples. Damn, she had to get herself under control.

Connor asked Hunter a question and he turned away, but kept his hand on her back.

The rest of the night moved quickly and gradually she found herself relaxing and enjoying herself.

But eventually everyone started to get up to leave. As Hunter drove them away, Cady stared out the window. “That was fun, better than I had expected.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic