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He rubbed his forehead. Standing, he walked over to his kitchen and grabbed some aspirin, swallowing a couple down. He hadn’t realized the toll it would take on him to go through his sister’s belongings. They hadn’t been able to salvage anything from the fire that had engulfed her apartment building.

This was bringing back all the memories and though he never wanted to forget Angie, sometimes it was hard to remember how young she’d been, how full of life. He wished he had Cady here with him. Just having her here to talk to, to hold him, he knew she’d be able to soothe some of the pain.

Maybe Gray had been right. Maybe he was making a mistake.

Moving back into his living room, he dragged another box over to the sofa and opened it. Reaching in, he pulled out a photo album. He opened it, immediately noticing a photo from two years ago. He’d taken Angie to Hawaii to celebrate her college graduation. They had their arms around each other, smiling at the camera.

“Ahh, Angie. What happened, darlin’?” As he moved through the rest of the album, one photo caught his eye. It was raised up, as though there was something hidden behind it. He dug out the photo. There was a key hidden behind it, along with a piece of paper.

Security box 1350, American bank.

A security box? Excitement raced through him. There had to be a reason why she’d hidden this key in here. Just what did the box hold?

Well, there was only one way to find out.

Three hours later and he finally made it home. The only thing in the security box had been a thumb drive. He placed the thumb drive on his coffee table. Moving into his study, he grabbed his laptop and brought it out into the lounge before turning it on. A knock on his front door had him glancing up.

He stood and moved to the door, peering out the peephole to see Gray looking back at him. Opening the door, he stood back to let the other man in.

“Came to see if you needed any help,” Gray said, looking around.

Hunter looked around at the mess his living room was in. “I think I’ll donate most of it. It’s mainly books and some clothes and photos. I did find this, though.” He held up the thumb drive.

“What is it? Is it Angie’s?”

Hunter shook his head. “I’m not sure.” He told Gray about finding the key and opening the security box to find just the thumb drive inside.

“You haven’t looked at it yet?”

Hunter shook his head. “I was just about to when you arrived. Whatever is on this, she went to a lot of effort to hide it.”

Hunter put the thumb drive into the laptop, and clicked open up the folder that appeared.

“They’re photos,” Hunter said, flicking through them. “All of them seem to be men either entering or exiting this one building.”

Gray sat beside Hunter. “Wait, I know some of these men. That’s Maxim St Clair, the investment banker and isn’t that Ryan Barrett, the deputy mayor? What the hell is this?”

“I don’t know,” Hunter said grimly. “But I have a bad feeling. Why would Angie have these photos? Did she take them? If so, why was she watching this building?”

“Well, we think Angie was killed by Worthington because she found out something he didn’t want her to know, so maybe this is part of it. There’s a reason she hid the thumb drive so carefully. Perhaps Worthington found out she was taking these photos and that’s why he killed her.”

“But I can’t find any photos of him.” Hunter flicked through them. “No, wait, there he is and there he is again. We have to find out what this building is. It’s the only thing in common between all of these people.”

“I don’t recognize it. I’ll get Connor onto it.”

“I’ll put these photos on another thumb drive.” Hunter grabbed a spare thumb drive from the desk in his study. He copied the photos onto a spare thumb drive before handing it over to Gray.

“Tell Connor to keep quiet about this. Worthington is dead, but we still don’t know that one of these guys isn’t dangerous.”

“You really don’t believe his death was a suicide, do you?” Gray asked as he pocketed the thumb drive.

“No,” Hunter said shortly. “And his death could be related to this. I want to keep this between the three of us for the moment.”

“You’re not planning on telling Cady?”

“Shit. Cady.” Hunter glanced at his watch. Nine p.m. “I forgot to call her. No, I’m not telling her. We don’t know how dangerous this is.”

“Keeping things from her isn’t a good idea.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic