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Hunter brushed his hand through the air. “I care about her; I didn’t say I was going to marry her.” Although the idea of having her tied to him, his ring on her finger brought him more pleasure than he cared to admit. “She doesn’t need to know that stuff.”

“Really? I wonder if she feels the same way. Just try not hurt her.”

“Because I work with her?”

“No, because I like her. She deserves something good in her life. So don’t fuck this up. Oh, and you might want to put that lube away.”

Hunter looked down at the lube he’d left sitting on his desk and quickly put it away as Gray laughed and stood. Gray closed the door behind him and Hunter sat back with a sigh, closing his eyes. Cady was right, there was no way he was getting any work done after this.

Chapter Seven

Hunter groaned as he heard his phone ring. He opened his eyes, gazing down at Cady who was curled up against his chest.

The blankets had crept down and one plump breast was taunting him. But whoever was on the other end of the phone just wasn’t giving up. He grabbed it off the top of the bedside table, looking at the unknown number briefly before bringing it to his ear.

“Yeah,” he said grouchily as he rose from the bed. Cady let out a grumble, her arm flinging out, almost as though she was searching for him, but she didn’t awaken. The woman slept like the dead.

Poor thing was exhausted. His appetite for her only seemed to grow with how often he took her, but maybe it was time for a quiet night, let her catch up on her rest.

“Is this Hunter Black?” a man on the other end asked.

“Who wants to know?” he barked, moving into the small kitchen area and grabbed a glass from the cupboard. He filled it with water.

“This is Ronald Green from Green Storage. I’m calling about your sister, Angela Black.”

Hunter stilled. “What about her?”

“She had prepaid a storage unit for a year. That ran out last month. If we don’t receive a payment within two weeks we’ll be forced to auction the unit’s contents off.”

Angie had a storage unit? That was news to him.

“How did you get my number?” he asked.

“She left it as a second contact on her paperwork. We’ve been trying to get hold of her for the last two weeks.”

“My sister died months ago,” Hunter said briefly. Could there be something about her murder in there?

“I’m very sorry to hear that.”

Hunter paced the small kitchen.

“I’m the executor of her estate. If you tell me where you are located I will come and settle the bill and go through the contents.”

“Sure.” The other man gave him the address.

“I’ll be there soon.” He put down his phone, running his hand through his hair. This could be the breakthrough he’d been looking for.

“Hunter? Who was that?”

He glanced over to find Cady standing in the doorway, her hair tousled, her eyelids still heavy with sleep. Immediately his cock hardened.

“Nothing, baby, go back to sleep.”

Her gaze cleared as she stared at him. “Something’s wrong. You’re upset. Who was that? Was it work?”

Four weeks had passed since she’d hurt herself chasing after Leonard Doran. They’d spent every night together, mostly at her place since she seemed to be more comfortable here. He was shocked by how much he enjoyed being with her. He’d have thought that by now he’d be wanting some alone time. Instead, if anything, he was growing more possessive.

“It wasn’t work.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic