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“How am I supposed to stand if my hands are behind my head?” Josh asked, a hint of frustration in his voice. “I’ll fall forward.”

The youth was silent for a moment.r />

“Fine, stand up then put your hands on your head.”

The kid took a step away. Cady waited until Josh was standing before putting her own gun against the kid’s head.

“Drop the gun and put your hands up,” she ordered.

“What?” The idiot tried to turn around, but Josh was too quick for him, spinning around and swinging his arm out to slam it down on the kid’s arm. The gun went flying.

Josh grabbed the kid by the collar, slamming him against the building behind them.

Cady drew in a deep breath to calm her nerves. She put her gun back in its holster.

“Fuck!” Josh swore as Leonard took that moment to jump up.

“I’ve got him!” Cady raced forward, tackling him to the ground. The creep quickly flipped them over so he was lying on top of her. Cady held on tight to his waist.

Gross, gross, gross. She so didn’t expect to be wrestling with a naked, hairy man in a dirty alley when she woke up this morning.

She definitely needed that hazard pay.

“Let me go, bitch!” Leonard squealed. Swinging his hand down, he connected with her cheek. Her vision blurred as pain engulfed her. She swung her legs around his, hanging onto him like a monkey. Slam!

Another fist caught her in the head.

He was too heavy to flip and she couldn’t grab hold of his hands.

She couldn’t believe she was about to do this.

“Hold still,” she ordered. Reaching down, she quickly grabbed hold of his balls, squeezing tightly.

Leonard squealed in her ear, making her wince. “Let me go! Let me go!” he yelped.

“Believe me, I wish my hand was anywhere else, like in a vat filled with boiling oil.”

He tried to push up, away from her. She squeezed tighter and he made a noise like a dying pig.

“You can’t do this,” he whined. “I have rights.”

“You lost them when you stuck your hairy ass in my face.”

“Cady? You okay?” Josh walked over, holding the kid with his good arm. His shoulder was still bleeding and he looked pale.

“Hey, she’s got him by the balls.” The kid laughed.

“Oh, I’m just peachy,” she replied.

“I’ve called Hunter and told him where we are. He should be here any minute.”

Were his lips twitching?

“Think you can hang tight until they get here?” he asked.

Yep, he was definitely about to burst into laughter.

Great. Just great.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic