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She grabbed the apartment listings off him. “Now, I want to go and see these two.” They were actually in her price range, once she’d saved up a bit more for the security deposit.

His eyes widened. “No fucking way. Those neighborhoods aren’t safe.”

“I want to see them.”

“Fine. But these places will be dumps, just you see.”


Hunter looked around the rundown apartment. God, this place was even worse than he’d thought. There were holes in the walls, the carpet had so many stains it was hard to make out its original color and there was a really suspicious smell that he couldn’t quite figure out.

“This one’s not so bad,” Cady said, looking around.

“No way.” Over his dead body would she live here. They’d passed two junkies in the hallway and he was damn sure it would only take one kick and the front door would splinter into toothpicks.

She sent him a look filled with exasperation. “It’s not that bad.”

“Not that bad? I wouldn’t let a dog live here.”

She rolled her eyes. “Don’t be such a drama queen.”

He sent her a quelling look. Any of the subs he knew would immediately have begged his forgiveness. Cady just shook her head.

“I like it. I think I might take it. The price is right and there is a bus stop on the corner.”

“I forbid you.”

She placed her hands on her hips. “Forbid me? Seriously? You know it really is better to let someone think you’re an idiot than open your mouth and prove it.”

He glowered at her. “You’re taking the other apartment we just saw.”

“No. I’m not. I’m taking this place. It’s my money. I’ll spend it how I see fit.”

Fuck, he was an idiot. He realized he hadn’t even explained things correctly before they’d gone looking at apartments.

“Black-Gray is paying for the security deposit, so you don’t have to worry about money. I’ll call the agent and tell them we’re taking the other apartment.”

She growled at him. She actually growled at him. She moved up into his space, her eyes filled with anger.

“Oh no, you will not. You are not putting up the money for the security deposit and you are not dictating where I live, got it?”

He was so spanking her ass for this. He took two steps toward her. Her eyes widened but she stood her ground. If there had been any fear on her face he would have backed off, but she merely held a wary regard for him.

“You take this apartment, brat, and I will spank your ass until it glows. Then I’ll show up each night to sleep on your doorstep just to make sure you’re safe, understood?”

She stared at him for a long moment, obviously trying to gauge how serious he was. He kept his gaze stern.

“Okay, well, shall we keep looking then?”


Cady sat back in her office chair with a sigh. She was going insane with boredom. She’d been here for nearly two months and she’d yet to do little more than some fil

ing and answering the phone.

She’d finally found an apartment that both she and Hunter could agree on. She had no idea what was going on with him. He pretty much ignored her all week at work, but most weekends he’d turn up with takeout to share. He had insisted on installing a security system and deadbolts in her new apartment.

She should have turned him away and she would have if he had even made a move on her. But he hadn’t made one move toward her that could be considered in the least bit sexual.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic