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Hunter leaned back against the bar and stared around the Twisted Thorn. He just wasn’t feeling it tonight.

“So are you going to do any playing tonight or are you just going to stand around like a morose bastard and growl at anyone who dares come your way?”

Hunter turned to Simon with a snarl. “If I’m such bad company why are you talking to me?”

“Because I’ve known you too long to be put off by a bit of growling and posturing. I’m kind of surprised to see you here. I thought you’d forgotten the address.”

“I’ve been busy.”

“Really?” Simon drawled. “Busy doing what?”


Sympathy entered Simon’s eyes. “Worthington’s death must be a relief.”

“It still doesn’t answer the question of why Angie died. Why he killed her. I didn’t want him dead, at least not until I had my answers and then I wanted to take his life myself.”

Angie’s car had run off the road, killing her. An investigation had shown that she’d been drinking. Heavily. Except Angie didn’t drink, she couldn’t stand alcohol. She’d never told him why she’d quit her job with Worthington, but Hunter knew she was afraid of him. Six weeks after quitting her job, she’d left Hunter a fearful message saying she’d learned something about Worthington and she needed to talk to him, her car had then been run off the road and her place had been set on fire.

That was too much of a coincidence for Hunter.

Simon sighed but nodded. “I can understand that. No doubt I’d feel the same way. But keeping everyone at arm’s length isn’t going to help. Neither is locking yourself away. Why don’t you find a nice little sub to play with and relax?”

He shook his head. “I can’t focus. I shouldn’t be playing tonight.”

“Well, at least stop scowling at all the subs, will you? You’re scaring them to death.”

“I’ll try. I’m only here because Gray threatened me with Sasha.”

Simon raised his brows, his eyes lightening at the mention of his wife’s name. “Is that so? Well, it’s your lucky night. She’s not here.”

“Everything okay?”

“Sasha is fine. Her mother is staying with us.”

“Ahh, and she doesn’t know about your lifestyle.”

“She knows I own a club, but Sasha has been against telling her what sort of club.” Simon frowned, clearly unhappy with his sub’s decision.

“So why don’t you just tell her?”

Simon’s eyes widened. “It’s obvious you have never been married before. You do not interfere in the relationship between your wife and your mother-in-law.”

“But your wife is also your sub.”

“Yes, but we’re not full time. Sasha has her own life outside being my sub.”

“So if she was putting her safety in jeopardy, you’d just let her get away with it?”

Simon looked at her thoughtfully. “Sasha and I have our own terms for our relationship. If she did something I thought might harm her then of course I would speak up. I’m sure any husband would. But you have to learn how to compromise. Letting Sasha deal with her mother how she wishes is a compromise. I allow her to keep certain aspects of our relationship a secret and she shows me her gratitude once her mom leaves.” Simon grinned. “Believe me, it’s worth it.”

Hunter shook his head. He didn’t really understand. If he ever had a wife she would understand that he had her best interests in mind at all times and he wouldn’t allow anything in their life that might hurt her or bring her harm. If her mother couldn’t handle the relationship they had then she wouldn’t be welcome in their house. He wouldn’t hide what he was and he wouldn’t allow anyone to hurt someone he loved.

Listen to him. He didn’t even have a girlfriend and here he was already dictating how his relationship would be.

“Gray’s here.”

Hunter looked over to see his friend making his way toward them. He stopped a few times to say hello to some friends. He always took the time to be polite, unlike Hunter who’d likely snubbed plenty of people as he’d strode through his club on the way to the bar.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic