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“Meanwhile all of those poor girls just have to wait?” Cady asked.

“Only some of them will have to testify,” Gray replied.

“No one else is talking?” Jaron asked. “O’Keen or his nephew?”

Gray shook his head. “No, they’re tight-lipped, as expected.” He looked over at Hunter. “We might never know whether O’Keen killed Worthington or if Worthington really did commit suicide.”

“Doesn’t matter. Doesn’t matter why he died. What matters is that those girls are free and Angie didn’t die for nothing.”

“Hope they throw those bastards in jail and let them rot,” Jaron said.

Cady nodded in agreement. She couldn’t agree more.


“Gray, have you seen Hunter?” she asked two days later, sticking her head into Gray’s office. “I can’t find him anywhere.”

Gray put down his cup of coffee. “Yeah, he said he had something to take care of. He wanted me to drive you home.”

“Really? Okay.” He hadn’t let her go home on her own since Sean attacked her. But she guessed this was a step in the right direction.

“If you give me a few minutes, we can go.”

She waved her hand. “Take your time.”


An hour later, she stepped into Hunter’s house with Gray. “I promised I’d see you safely inside,” he told her before pulling an envelope out of his pocket. “Plus he wanted me to give you this.”

She opened the letter, looking at the note inside in surprise.

Cady, go into the bedroom. There’s a gift on the bed.

You have thirty minutes to get ready and then Gray will bring you to me.

“Thirty minutes to get ready? Get ready for what?” she muttered.

Gray chuckled and took a seat on the sofa, switching the television on. “Take your time,” he told her.

Shaking her head, wondering what the hell was going on, she walked into their bedroom. There on the bed was a large box tied with ribbon. She opened it up to find the most beautiful red dress. It was slinky with a sweetheart neckline and a large split up the side.

“Where the hell did he get this?”

Also included was a pair of black heels and the tiniest G-string she’d ever seen.

Cady put the dress down with a dazed expression. She turned back to the living room.

“Gray, there’s a dress in here.”

“I know, took him forever to find the right one.”

“You know? Wait, you went shopping with him?”

Gray raised his eyebrows, giving her a look of disbelief. “Do you seriously think Hunter could buy that on his own? He’d have no idea what he was doing; you’d probably have ended up in some canary-yellow, ruffled monstrosity two sizes too big. Now, go take a shower and get dressed, he’ll go insane if we’re really late.”

Cady hurriedly got ready, putting on some make-up. She didn’t have a lot, but she’d picked up a few inexpensive make up brands that she liked. Finally, she stepped into the dress. It fit her like a dream. She stood in front of the mirror.

“Damn, I look hot.” She’d never worn anything like it in her life, had never expected to.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic