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“Don’t worry about Derrick. We have plans for him. And I find that people often believe what they want to believe. Stephan has a lot of friends and people who owe him favors. I think you’ll find that those holes are quickly filled in.

Jacey shivered. Please hurry up, Tiny. Please.

“And here we are, the place of your demise.” He slowed the car to a stop but didn’t turn it off, leaving the headlights on.

“I’m going to get out of the car. Don’t try anything funny. Remember Holly.”

“Not a lot I can do is there?” She nodded her head to where he’d cuffed her hands to the door handle.

“No,” he said with a chuckle. “I suppose not.”

Evan came around and opened her door, forcing her arms out in front of her so she would have fallen if the seatbelt hadn’t caught her. God, she was tempted to smash her head against his face. But she knew that wouldn’t work. He had the keys to her cuffs and she wasn’t going anywhere while attached to the door.

So she bided her time as he unlocked her cuffs.

“Undo your belt and get out,” he demanded, keeping the gun pointed at her.

“Now, you’re going to be a good little girl and climb in the driver’s side then drive this car full speed over the edge. The water is cold and deep, not that you’re going to survive the drop.”

“And what makes you think I’ll willingly drive off the road? Why wouldn’t I just get in the car and drive away?”

And why was she telling him this? Why didn’t she just do it? Because she had to know why he was so sure she’d just end her life.

“Because if you don’t, then it’s bye-bye Holly. You’re a do-gooder, Jacinta, always have been. We both know you’re not going to risk her life to save your own.”

He was right. Luckily, she was pretty sure she didn’t have to.

“Ahh, but do you really have Holly? Because I’m thinking that right about now she’s been rescued.” God, she hoped so.

“Nice try.”

“Why don’t you call and find out?”

He shoved her away from him, stepping back with his gun firmly trained on her as he reached into his pocket for his cell. The phone rang and rang.

No answer.

“Well, never mind, I don’t need your cooperation to knock you out and push you into the water. We’ll call it suicide.”

He started to move toward her and she knew he was serious. Even though it took her closer to edge of the road, Jacey matched him step for step, moving away from him.

“Stand still. Hands up.” Tiny.

Relief made her so weak, she nearly feel to her knees. Evan spun around and she took the opportunity to dive around the other side of the car.

“Who’s there? Jacinta, come back here, you bitch!” There was the ping of bullets against the car and she crouched down further. Shoot! She was a sitting duck here.

“Jacey, stay down. Freeze now!” Tiny roared.

“I’m going to kill you, Jacinta!” Evan’s voice was mad, insane. He didn’t even seem to be aware of Tiny anymore. There was the sound of a gun firing then a scream of outrage. She raised her head far enough to see Evan grab at his shoulder. He stepped backward, once, twice then fell over the barrier into the river below.

His scream of outrage reverberated throughout the night and Jacey heaved in huge breaths, unable to calm her raging heartbeat.

There was the sound of running footsteps and she turned, sagging in relief as she saw Tiny race toward her.

“Oh God, oh God,” she said, trying to force herself to stand but her legs seemed to be made of rubber. “Do you think he’s dead?” she asked as Tiny crouched in front of her.

He hauled her up into his arms.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Doms of Decadence Erotic