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Marly dropped her arms slowly and turned. She refused to look at Drew as she made her way over to where Adam now sat on the sofa. The t-shirt she wore had dropped so it covered her. Just.

When she stood in front of Adam, he stared at her gravely.

“Turn around and bend over,” he ordered.

Gulping heavily, Marly did as he asked, praying she wasn’t about to get another spanking. She had another spanking coming tonight and that was all too soon to her way of thinking. Adam’s large hand rested over her bottom and she stiffened.

“Well, I bet you’re feeling sorry, now, baby, aren’t you?” Adam asked her gently.

“Y-yes,” she cried.

“Stand up and turn back to me.” She stood and turned around, trembling. Adam drew her into his arms and rocked her gently. Marly sighed, falling into his arms gratefully.

“Good girl,” he murmured soothingly, kissing her cheek. He ran a hand over her head.

“Time to go back in your diaper, though, I think.”

She stiffened, looking over her shoulder at Drew and Zac who were discussing the ranch quietly.

“Hush,” Adam said as she went to speak. “Don’t think about them, babies don’t worry about who sees them. You don’t need to worry about anything.”

Adam reached down beside him and she saw he’d brought a diaper, wipes and cream into the room with him.

“On your back, baby,” he instructed her.

With a whimper, Marly moved onto her back, lying on the carpet. Adam knelt before her, splitting her legs wide so he could wipe her folds and bottom. Drew and Zac continued to talk as Adam took his time cleaning her up. She glanced anxiously over at Drew, but he didn’t even glance her way.

Adam lifted her legs and placed the open diaper under her, then covering her in cream and powder, did up the diaper. Then a binky was placed in her mouth and she was rolled onto her stomach on the floor, a stuffed toy placed before her.

She was embarrassed, in pain, and wished Drew would leave.

“Right, I’ll get onto that, don’t worry.” She looked over as Drew stood. He stepped over and crouched down beside her.

“You okay there, Marly, baby?” he cooed softly, patting her head. She bit into the binky, barely managing not to spit it out and snap at him. He chuckled as though he could read her mind.

Before she lost it, he stood and left, and she breathed a sigh of relief.

“Right, sweetheart, I want you to drink another bottle,” Adam bent down and picked her up in his arms. She hissed as he sat her on his lap. Her bottom was still sore, but sitting was not completely unbearable, her diaper creating a small buffer. Adam pulled out her binky and placed the nipple in her mouth. She sucked down on the water, feeling exhausted, her eyes beginning to close.

“Looks like someone’s going to need a morning nap,” Zac mused.

She shook her head, moaning quietly in protest.

“Keep still,” Adam growled softly. “And you’ll be going to bed after this bottle, baby girl. Any more protests from you will be severely dealt with. I can tell we’ve let you away with far too much lately, you’ve become very disobedient.”

Marly felt her eyes tear up at his words. She closed them and continued to suck. She was so tired she barely felt him remove the nipple from her mouth and replace it with a binky. She was asleep before he even placed her on the bed.

Chapter Four

“Ready to get up, sugar?”

Marly looked over as Zac entered the room and sat beside her on the bed. She nodded, smiling.

“Yes, Daddy, I’m awake now.” It had been five days since Zac had to rescue her from the dance club. She was almost halfway through her punishment. Thank goodness, because she didn’t think her butt could take much more.

Leaning down he kissed her gently on the lips. “Do you know what today is, baby?”

She shook her head, sucking on the binky in her mouth. She knew it wasn’t Christmas, that was still four days away.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Erotic