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“Really sorry,” Logan added, not sounding the least bit strained at holding her weight. But Max knew that if he wanted her to come in this position, then he should probably shut up and get to it.

He circled her clit with his tongue as he thrust two fingers deep into her.

“Oh, God, yes.”

He grinned against her pussy. He loved how open she was when they were having sex. There was no making love in silence with her. He lapped at her, thrusting his fingers in deep. In and out.

“Max, oh Max.” He felt her stiffen, then her pussy pulsed around him, clenching down on his fingers as she cried out again. Satisfaction filled him.

He needed to feel her around his cock. Standing, he took her from Logan with a nod of thanks. He carried her to the sofa and sat with her on his lap. Clasping her around the hips, he raised her up then sank into her.

She groaned as she felt Max enter her. She felt a slight stretching; it had been a while, after all. But she needed him. Her pussy continued to pulse from the orgasm he’d just given her.

He drove her up and down his shaft, his face tense with need, his eyes almost glittering as they held her gaze. “You have no idea how good you feel.”

“Oh, about as good as you feel inside me, I’d say. Damn it, Max. Faster.” Her desire was rising again.

Another hand reached around and flicked her clit. Logan pressed up behind her, kneeling on the floor. He continued to tap his finger on her nub. A gentle movement that soon had her moaning.

Max squeezed her nipples, and her thirst for him ballooned.

“I’m coming, baby. I’m coming!” He gave a shout as he pressed up, filling her. She loved watching him at this moment. He was so unguarded, so free, all his worries disappeared, and he was just Max. Her Max.

As he settled back down, she patted his chest, circling his nipple with her finger.

“Jesus, love, I’m sorry I couldn’t wait for you to come with me,” he said regretfully.

She leaned in and kissed him, nipping at his lip before dipping her tongue into his mouth. “I’m not. That was freaking hot.”

“Besides, now she gets to come around my dick,” Logan stated. “Come here, darlin’.”

Logan pulled Savannah off Max, figuring he’d had enough time with their wife. They both worked hard not to get jealous, although neither of them was perfect. But they wouldn’t change anything about their relationship, it was everything they’d ever wanted

Still, Logan’s patience had run out. He was ready to feel her pussy around his hard dick.

He hurried up the stairs with her in his arms.

“Easy, tiger, I’m not going anywhere.” She patted his chest gently.

He forced himself to place her on the bed gently when what he most wanted to do was throw her down and fuck her. Hard. Fast. Over and over.

Easy, man. She needs gentle. He made himself pause, catch his breath. He tried to calm the deep hunger flooding through him. Holding her in his arms as she’d orgasmed had almost had him coming then and there. It had taken a mammoth amount of control to let Max lead her away, to watch his brother take her. Christ, he was so hard he was pretty certain he’d come as soon as he entered her.

“Logan.” She held her arms out. “Come love me.”

“Just give me a minute.”

He’d have more control if he waited a moment.

But she shook her head and knelt. “Come here.”

He narrowed his gaze at her. “No.” He called the shots here. Not her.

She pouted. “Well, if you’re not going to love me then I guess I’ll just have to take care of myself. Like I’ve been doing for the past few weeks.”

He took in a sharp breath. She wouldn’t, would she?

“You telling us you’ve been masturbating while we’ve been sleeping in the same room as you?” Max asked from where he leaned against the doorway, his arms crossed over his chest.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic