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She blushed, embarrassed. “I have to take my panties off?”

“Yes, baby girl, I only give bare-bottomed spankings.”

Horribly embarrassed, especially with Trace watching on, and yet feeling more than a little aroused, Lila let Gavin took her hand and help her settle over his lap.

Gavin looked down at Lila’s gorgeous, heart-shaped bottom and his mouth went dry. Damn, she was beautiful. Suddenly, it was hard to hold on to his resolve to give her a sharp reminder to be more careful with her safety.

He ran his hand over her bottom and she grew tense. But he simply rubbed her butt in long, lazy circles until she relaxed.

Clearing his throat, he looked up and saw the wry look Trace sent him. It helped to know his brother was feeling the same way. The last thing he wanted to do right now was spank her.

“I know you’re new to this, baby girl, so I’m going to go through the rules. You may yell and cry out but you may not swear or be disrespectful, that will only get you extras. I expect you to do your best to stay in place.

You may not hit me or bite me. There is no reaching back with your hands; if you can’t hold them before you then Trace will hold them for you.”

“No, I can do it.”

“All right then.” He slapped his hand down, once, twice until her bottom was a pretty pink. Lila lay still over his lap, her only reaction a slight hitch in her breath.

Gavin rubbed her bottom, spreading the heat. “Dammit, your ass looks even more beautiful when it’s blushing red.”

Lila looked back at him questioningly. This was a bad idea. He should continue to spank her, show her how serious he was about her safety. But…

“This was partly my fault,” he admitted. “You were exhausted, which is why you fell asleep. If I’d insisted you stay home and rest you wouldn’t have fainted.”

Lila grinned. “Does that mean I get to spank you next?” she asked cheekily.

He shook his head. “No way, brat. But it does mean I’m having trouble really spanking you.”

She pouted. “It feels like a real spanking.”

Gavin sighed, continuing to pat her softly.

“Gavin, I’m a big girl. It wasn’t your fault, it was mine. I didn’t take care of myself and I left my phone behind, although that was an accident, I should have been more careful.”

He nodded. “Twenty more then. Count them out for me.”

He spanked her steadily, not holding back as she counted each one out loud. Her voice became higher, her legs moving slightly as he got closer to the end. Then she started to cry, quiet tears that had his heart melting. But he continued on until the end. When he reached twenty, he kept her there for a bit longer, rubbing her back gently. Then he rolled her over, sitting her up, careful to make sure that her bottom didn’t touch his hard lap.

“There, there, baby, let it all out. My sweet girl.” Those words melted the last of the tension in her body and she simply sunk into his strength. Gavin hated making her cry, but knowing that they’d both needed this.

“I’m sorry, Gavin,” she told him, sounding so young. He knew that some women felt particularly vulnerable after a spanking and it could tear down the boundaries they often had up during everyday life.

“You okay, baby girl?” he asked gently.

“Yes, just don’t stop holding me.”

“Never. You’re my good girl, my very precious good girl,” he told her in a low murmur. “Aren’t you?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied.

Gavin rubbed her bottom, ignoring her small protest. She wiggled, trying to escape his touch. “Shh, now, I know it hurts, but it’s supposed to. Just rest and let me take care of you.”

Lila nodded tiredly, laying against his chest as he slowly carried her up the stairs. Trace stood, placing a kiss on her lips as they walked past. Gavin hadn’t thought it possible to love her any more, but he felt his chest swelling.

He set her on the side of the bed and moved to her drawers to grab one of his t-shirts that she’d taken to wearing to bed. She’d stolen a t-shirt from each of them out of the laundry. Not that any of them were complaining. He loved the thought of her wearing his t-shirt to bed. Of course, he loved the thought of her naked, in his bed, more. Walking back over, he handed over the t-shirt.

“You get ready for bed, baby girl. I’ll be back in soon.” He turned and walked out quickly, knowing she was surprised by his quick departure. He wanted nothing more than to take her into his arms and kiss her, to worship those breasts and spread her legs so he could lick the lush cream from her folds.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic