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“I’ll get you a washcloth in a moment.” He reached for her pants again, tugging them down despite her wiggling and protests. As soon as he had them off, displaying her lacy, purple underwear to his gaze, she scooted back, trying to dive off the opposite side of the bed.

But he was too quick for her and snatching her leg, he pulled her slowly, carefully back towards him.

“Damn it, Gavin,” she complained as he dragged her belly down over the bed. Her bottom was too much temptation to pass up, especially when he saw that those purple panties were actually a G-string, and Gavin gave her a few hard smacks before rubbing the sting in.

“Behave,” he growled, turning her over.

“What was that for?” she asked him, eyes wide with shock.

Gavin reached for her top, pulling it quickly over her head, ignoring her protests. He swallowed, all too aware of the heavy erection pressing against the zipper of his pants. But he couldn’t give in to his urge to take her. Not yet. She’d just fainted for God’s sake. He should be taking care of her, not imagining himself sinking deep inside her.

He walked over to her drawers, opening a few before he found a long t-shirt. Turning back, he was gratified to find her sitting where he’d left her. Hell, maybe he ought to spank her each morning, at least then she might stay where he put her.

He smiled at the thought.

“What’s so funny? You find hitting me funny?”

“I didn’t hit you, I gave you a few warning smacks on your butt to calm you down,” he told her. She blushed at his words and he watched her carefully, certain she was aroused. Her breath came faster, her nipples pebbling against her lacy bra which perfectly matched the G-string. Had those few spanks he’d given her turned her on? Hmm… Who knew their little tomboy liked pretty lingerie? Although the panties and bra she currently wore looked a bit worse for wear. The panties had a hole at the seam.

He made a mental note to do some shopping for her. His baby deserved the best he could buy her.

He helped her sit up. “Arms up,” he ordered.

“Gavin, I’m not five. I can put a t-shirt on,” she said with exasperation, her cheeks still red. Gavin just held on to the t-shirt and stood there, waiting. Finally, glaring at him, she did as ordered and he slipped it on.

“Do you need to go to the bathroom?” he asked. She shook her head and he frowned, wondering if she was dehydrated.

“Wait there,” he told her, waggling his finger. “I catch you out of that bed and you’ll be getting a second spanking on top of the one you’re already owed.”

Her jaw dropped open and she just stared after him as he walked into the attached bathroom and grabbed a face cloth, wetting it under the tap. When he returned to the bedroom he was gratified to find her sitting where he’d left her.

He was going to roast her butt for leaving her phone behind. Even if it had been an accident, she should have double-checked that she had it before she left.

“You have no reason to spank me,” she told him indignantly as he sat beside her and washed her face with the cool cloth, moving it down her neck.

“You agreed to our rules, baby girl. And you know you were supposed to take your phone with you. If Ron didn’t tell us where you had headed off to, we could still be out there, searching for you. That’s unacceptable, Lila.”

He blamed himself. He’d seen how exhausted she was this morning at breakfast. He should have been firmer with her and insisted she stay home and rest today. He wiped her hands.

“I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean to leave it behind. I just wanted to have some time to myself, to think.”

And he could understand that. They’d hit her with a lot at a time when she was emotionally vulnerable. It wasn’t fair and their timing was terrible, but circumstances had forced them to move quicker than they would have liked.

“I know this is a lot to take in, baby, and I’m sorry we told you all this on the day of Clay’s funeral when you were overwrought. We should have held back, but we couldn’t let you leave.”

She nodded. “I want to stay here and explore what’s between the four of us. But it’s all so much to take in. Sorry.”

He tucked two fingers under her chin and raised her face, kissing her on the lips. “Don’t be sorry for how you feel. You can tell me anything. Believe me, baby, I want to make this work and I will do anything to ensure your happiness.”

“Really?” she said with a calculated look. “Anything? So you won’t be spanking me anymore?”

Gavin chuckled. “Good try, baby girl, but no cigar.” He brushed his fingers over her cheek. “Don’t you understand how precious you are to us? Trace and I were nearly out of our minds with worry, especially when you didn’t answer your phone. When we found it by the stables, I nearly threw up. I imagined every possible bad scenario.”

“I’m sorry,” she whispered, squeezing his hand. “I’ll be more careful next time.”

He patted her hand. “You stay there and rest, I’m going to go get us some lunch and something to drink.”

Stepping into the kitchen, Gavin took a deep breath and tried to calm himself. Now that he had her back home and safe in her bed, he was starting to crash, his adrenaline rush draining away.

Tags: Laylah Roberts Haven, Texas Erotic