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A smug look filled his face.

“But only in the dark, under the sheets,” she explained. “I didn’t feel comfortable being exposed.”

“We need to work on that, don’t we? Because when I look at you, I see someone beautiful and sexy. Someone who has made cold showers a constant thing in my life. That body of yours is fucking sin. And there isn’t an inch of it I don’t want to taste or touch.”


“Really. And I’ll say it as many times as you need to hear it. I don’t lie, Millie. Trust me.”

She let out a deep breath. He didn’t seem the type to say something he didn’t mean. He really thought she was sexy?

“Gonna make you see yourself the way I do.” He sat next to her and leaned in to kiss her. “Daddy is gonna get you cleaned up and changed, okay?”

She let out a breath, trying to rid herself of her nervousness. “Okay, Daddy.” She lay back on the bed.

He unzipped her onesie. It took a lot to let him expose her. But with every inch that was revealed, his face grew more heated. She could see the hunger there.

“You really do think I’m sexy,” she whispered in wonder.

“My cock is so hard it’s fucking painful.” He stripped off the onesie and threw it onto the floor.

“We totally defiled my poor, innocent onesie.”

“Oh, we can do a better job than that.”

She blushed bright red. Although she wasn’t sure if that was due to his words or because he was pulling her soaked panties down off her legs.

“Part your legs,” he growled.

Oh hell. She drew her legs apart, knowing she had to be as red as a tomato. He ran the cloth over her folds, cleaning her. This was so intimate. It wasn’t precisely sexual, even though she was turned on.

It was him taking care of her.

In a way no one ever had. And she wasn’t just talking about him cleaning her pussy. It was the way he undressed then dressed her. How he’d brought her food. How he wanted her to rest. How he gave her an orgasm without expecting anything in return.

He slid some clean panties over her feet. She raised her hips to help as he drew them up her hips.

“We need to get my girl some pretty panties,” he murmured. “What would you like? Some dinosaur ones?”

“Ooh, yes. Dinosaur panties.”

He helped her into her clean onesie. When she was dressed, he stood and held out his hands to her. She took them, letting him pull her up. But she was barely standing before she found herself swung up into his arms.

“You shouldn’t carry me down the stairs,” she protested.

“Baby doll, you are dancing dangerously close to a punishment,” he warned. “I’ll carry you where and when I like. Got it? Anything else out of that mouth that even strikes me as slightly self-derogatory and you’re spending time in the corner. And before you say anything more, if you weren’t recovering from a migraine it would be a spanking and lines.”

Okay, time to zip it. Not something she was good at. Blurting things without thinking? She was all over that shit. Staying quiet, not so much.

He carried her bridal style and wowed her by not even breathing heavily by the time they got downstairs.

Seriously, he was fit. He settled her on the couch. “Going to get you some water and make you a new sandwich. What do you want to watch?” He picked up the remote and switched it over to cartoons. “Good?”

“Um, I don’t like this one.”

He clicked onto another channel.

“Ooh, yes, this one.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic