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He eyed her for a moment. “What triggers the migraines?”


“If I’m to look after you properly, I need to know what triggers them.”

Spike studied her closely. Her hair needed a good brush and her lips were slightly swollen. She was wearing that dinosaur onesie.

She looked fucking adorable.

Shit. He was in trouble here.

“What sets them off?”

“Oh, I think yesterday it might have been a combination of things, some scents do it. The smoke and the stress probably set me off yesterday.”

“What else? Diet? Sleep?”

“Hmm. If I don’t get enough sleep that can be an issue.”

“Diet?” he prompted again.

She sighed. “Meat is an issue which is part of the reason I went vegetarian, but mostly it was because I love animals so much.”

“Skipping meals an issue?”

She winced. “Um, yep. You know, I’ve managed these migraines for a long time. I don’t think we need to go into any great detail about them.”

“How many you had in the last two months?”

“Around five or six.”

That many? Hell. Poor baby.

“Seems like a lot to me.”

“I’ve had a lot of stress on me lately. And when I’m stressed, I find it hard to sleep. It’s a bad pattern.”

“Other triggers?”

“Strong smells and alcohol. Caffeine is good for them, though.” She gave him an innocent look.

Uh-huh, like he was buying that.

“If you drink enough water to remain hydrated.”

“I hate water. Yuck.”

Okay, it seemed like her Little side was close to the surface today. Probably because she was tired. And out of sorts.

“It usual for you to be tired and grumpy after one?”

“Yes. I’m sorry. I don’t mean to act like a grouchy two-year-old.”

“Anything else?”

She blushed and her gaze went to her hands. A sure sign there was something else she just didn’t want to say what it was.

“Millie,” he warned.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic