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What she’d called him? No, she didn’t. “No. It wasn’t something rude, was it?”

He raised an eyebrow. “Something rude? You been calling me rude names in your head?”

“What? No!”

Amusement warmed his eyes. He was teasing her! She gaped at this more playful side of him. She hadn’t realized it existed.

“Easy, baby doll,” he soothed as she tried to pull her hands free. “You called me Daddy.”

Oh God. Would the humiliation never end? Seriously, how much could one woman take?

“I’m so sor—”

He leaned over and covered her mouth with his hand. “Swear to God, every time I hear you say sorry, I’m gonna give you a spanking.”

Her eyes grew wide. Spank her?

She tried to speak; the words muffled by his hand. Without thinking, she licked his palm. His gaze heated.

“Did you just lick me?”

She shook her head. He grew closer, moving his hand from her mouth to whisper in her ear. “You did. If you’re not careful, I’ll give you something else to lick.”

A shiver washed through her body.

“Are you . . . are you saying that you’d . . .”

She couldn’t seem to get the words out. He leaned back. “I want you, Millie. Tried to ignore it. Look where it got me. You in my house, my bed. Feel protective of you. Want you in my bed, under me, riding me, my mouth buried in your pussy, my cock in your mouth.”

“Right. Well. You could have just said you wanted sex.” She was pretty certain that was the most she’d ever heard him say.

“Could have.”

She licked her dry lips.

“Well, I, ahh, want you too.” So eloquent, Millie. But really, what could she add to what he’d already said?

“I know,” he said arrogantly.

She rolled her eyes. “Oh yeah, and how do you know?”

“Because every time I get close to you, I see a shiver work its way across your skin. A small tinge of red fills your cheeks. Your breath grows faster. Bet your pussy gets wet.”

“You’re so arrogant.”

“It’s not arrogant if it’s the truth.”

Yep. Arrogant.

Darn it. She kind of liked it.

“Never had any intention of ever getting involved with someone again. Not after my wife’s death.”

He still loved her. That much was clear. It was so sweet. This huge, rough-looking biker was still deeply in love with his dead wife.

But what does that mean for you?

“While you’re here, we could help you explore your Little side and this attraction.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic