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“Don’t think so, you move around like a ballerina. All light and graceful.”

“Graceful?” he growled. “Ballerina?”

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like to dance?”

“No,” he snarled. “I don’t.”

Hmm, might be time to leave. “Is that Mr. Fluffy I hear? I think he needs to go out. Gotta go. Bye!”

She knew she looked ridiculous as she fled. But she needed to get away from him before she said something else stupid.

Suck a dork.

* * *

A knock on her bedroom door later that evening surprised her.

“Hello? Who’s there?” she called out then she whacked her palm against her forehead. Like there was more than one person who it could be.

Well, he could have a friend over.

A friend. Right.


“Spike,” he said dryly. “Dinner’s ready.”

“Oh, I’m not hungry,” she lied.

“Stop hiding and come eat.”

Nope. Not happening. She’d just stay in here, thank you very much.

“Your butt isn’t on a stool in five minutes time at the kitchen counter then I’m coming back up and carrying you down. Can tell you now, I won’t be in a good mood if I have to do that.”

Was he ever in a good mood?

But if this was him in a good mood, did she want to see his bad mood?

Hmm. No.

With a sigh, she forced herself to get up and walk downstairs. She grabbed Mr. Fluffy, carrying him. After giving him his dinner, she sat at the counter staring at the baked potato, with fixings to put on it sitting on the counter. There was also a green salad and a three-bean salad.

The back slider opened and Spike walked in carrying a plate with a steak on it.

“Don’t mind if I eat meat, do you?”

She shook her head. It was his house, after all. He could eat what he liked. But no, it didn’t worry her.

“Need to get you some food. You need some protein sources. Best I could do was the beans.”

“This is . . . more than enough. Thank you. It’s better than what I feed myself.”

Her tummy felt kind of queasy from the amount of sugar she’d binged on this afternoon.

He gave her a sideways look that told her he wasn’t impressed. But she was starting to think he wasn’t impressed by much, anyway.

They ate in silence but it wasn’t awkward, surprisingly. Once again, he wouldn’t let her help clean up. So she figured she’d head upstairs, find something to read on her eReader.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic