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“No need to be embarrassed.”

Really? How did he expect her to react? Sure, it might be freaking normal. But it wasn’t normal to do it in the bathtub of a stranger’s house with a dinosaur vibrator! Or to have that stranger find her vibe in the bottom of the bathtub after she’d fallen asleep.

In her dinosaur onesie.

“Millie, come out now.”

“No. Never! I’m going to die in here. I’m gonna apologize now for the smell of my decaying flesh and for the flies and buzzards.”

“Buzzards hardly gonna get you in the closet.”

That’s what he wanted to say? Really?

Suddenly the door opened, flooding the closet with light. Before she could protest, she was picked up and pulled out into his arms. He carried her to the bed and sat with her on his lap.

“Don’t! Leave me!” She tried to fight her way free.

A slap landed on her ass as she froze, gaping up at him. He scowled down at her. Normally, that face might have intimidated the hell out of her. But she was beyond that right now.

He’d found her dinosaur vibe.

“Settle down,” he growled at her.

“Please, please let this be a dream.”

He sighed. “Already told you. Don’t be embarrassed.”

“Just because you tell someone to do something or in this case, not do something, doesn’t mean they’re going to do it. Or, urgh, not to do it. Oh, you know what I mean!”

He gave her a look of disbelief then he just shook his head. “Be a lot easier if you just did as I said.”

“For you, maybe,” she muttered, keeping her gaze on her hands. “Can’t believe you found my vibrator. That you know what I was doing in the bath.” She hunched her shoulders. “And I was embarrassed over being caught in my onesie.”

“Your onesie?”


“That’s why you hid in the closet?”

“Uh-huh. Turns out I should have just jumped out the window.”

He sighed. “How can you face down a gang member without flinching and this makes you want to jump out a window?”

She shrugged. “Guess I didn’t much care if he hurt me. I was just worried about Tawny. Getting hurt or dying doesn’t scare me.”

He tightened his arms around her, surprising her. “Don’t like that.”

It was what it was.

“Can’t believe you spanked me.”

“You think that was a spanking? That was a little tap to stop you getting hysterical.”

“I wasn’t hysterical.”

“Uh-huh, you talked about jumping out a window just because I saw your vibrator.”

She groaned. “Please can we stop talking about it? Can we just pretend it never happened? In fact, let’s pretend we never met. I’ll get dressed, pack up and leave. Okay?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic