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“Hop in,” he commanded.

She let out a cry, turning, her feet nearly slipping out from under her. He grabbed her, steadying her.

“Oh, you scared me. You need to learn to make some noise.”

“Why? So you could get away with mischief without getting caught?”

“Well, yes, hey! I wasn’t getting up to any mischief.” She pouted but climbed into bed, he grabbed the covers, tucking them around her.

Her eyelids were already drooping. Poor baby. She’d had an eventful night. Sitting on the side of the bed, he resisted the urge to brush back her hair, to offer to braid it for her.

She yawned. There was something so real about her. Yet at the same time, there were secrets swirling in her eyes. There was a reason she acted so blasé about her own safety. He didn’t like that. Not one bit.

What was he thinking, bringing her here?

Just how the fuck was he going to resist her?


She had to pee so badly.

She’d woken up with a dry mouth, her hair sticking to her cheek where she’d obviously been drooling in her sleep. Something she did when she was really tired.


With eyes still half-open, she stumbled out of bed and shuffled her way towards the door. She hadn’t even fully registered where she was when she opened the door and stepped into the hallway.

Yawning, she tried to orientate herself. Where was the bathroom?

Stretching, she walked towards the door opposite her.

“Good morning.”

She squealed, pressing her legs together as she nearly wet herself in shock. Blinking, she stared down the hallway to where a huge, bald man stood staring at her.


She was at Spike’s house.

She was standing in front of Spike, in his house, wearing her dinosaur onesie.

With another squeal, she dove back into her bedroom, looking around frantically before pulling open the closest door and jumping inside.

Heart thundering, she pulled her legs up to her chest and tried to ignore her complaining bladder. What was she thinking? Why didn’t she get dressed first? Or make sure the hallway was clear?

Idiot. Idiot.



She groaned and buried her face in her knees.

“Millie? You okay?”

“Millie no longer exists,” she called back.

“Then who am I talking to?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic