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Fuck. Him.

“Oh shoot. I’m so sorry. I just . . . oh goodness.” She grabbed the towel, frantically wrapping it around herself before she slid off his lap onto the bed. This time he let her, hoping she didn’t catch the raging hard-on he was sporting.

Although that was probably a fruitless dream considering her ass had been nestled against it.

Get yourself under control, man.

“Umm . . .I . . . I’m sorry for losing it like that . . . I . . .” She sniffled, looking around the room. “Can you hand me my handbag? I’ve got some tissues in there.”

Of course she did. That thing was a Tardis, considering how much stuff she managed to get in it. He handed her bag to her.

“Be back.” He stood and walked out into the bathroom, hoping that would give him some time to calm down.

When he returned, she’d blown her nose and wiped her face. He sat next to her and gently grabbing hold of her chin, he cleaned her face with a warm washcloth. She’d taken the opportunity to secure one of the towels more firmly around herself. But he’d also grabbed the clothing she’d left on the bathroom counter, figuring she’d want to get out of that wet towel.

He held it up, blinking in surprise as he realized it was a onesie. A dinosaur onesie.

“Oh that’s . . . it’s . . . I . . .”


“C-cute? Really?” She stared up at him.

He nodded. “Need help?”

She was still staring at him in shock.

“Millie? You okay?”

She seemed kind of spacey and out of it. And earlier when he’d been calling to her through the bathroom door there had been long moments when she wouldn’t answer him. Just tiredness? Or something more? And he wasn’t sure he bought the whole mouse excuse for why she’d screamed.

“Did you hurt yourself?”

“What? Oh, no.” She shook her head.

He eyed her doubtfully.

She gave him a wry smile. “Believe it or not, but I fall over a lot.”

“I believe it.” He didn’t like it though. Maybe the bubble wrap was the way to go. Perhaps knee pads, shin pads and a helmet?

She sighed sadly. “Yeah, I’m just one big klutz.”

He frowned at her. “Not a klutz.”

“No? What do you call it then? Seems like I can’t go five minutes without tripping over my own feet.”

Cute. He called it cute. But he couldn’t tell her that.

“You need sleep.”

She nodded tiredly and yawned. “Yeah.”

“Get this on. I’ll be back.”

After giving him a surprised look, she reached for the onesie, her cheeks still blushing. Her fingers brushed against his, sending warmth through his body. He snatched his hand back, unprepared for the sensation.

Millie flinched at his reaction. Inwardly, he cursed himself.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic