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Such a klutz. Why couldn’t she be graceful? Svelte. Delicate.

“Why did you cry out? Did you see the mouse again?” he snapped.

“Oh no, I just slipped.”

“You slipped? Trying to get out of the bath? That’s it. I’m coming in.”

“Nooo, I’m naked.”

“Seen naked women before.”

What kind of answer was that? He’d never seen her naked before. And she wasn’t ready for him to see her naked now.

One day, maybe. . .

No, Millie. Focus. He’s like this gorgeous, muscular specimen of a man who is way out of your league. Women probably threw themselves at him.

“Don’t come in here,” she cried out desperately.

“You got nothing I ain’t seen before.”

“That’s just . . . that’s just rude!” she sputtered out. What? It would be nice to feel special.

There was a thump on the other side of the door. Was he planning on breaking it down?

Or was he banging his head against it in frustration?

Both were possible, to be honest.

“I’m coming, all right? I’ll get out and put my pajamas on then you’ll see I’m fine.”

“No, wait!” he barked.

She froze, halfway out of the bath already.

“You’ll slip and hurt yourself.”

“I won’t slip and hurt myself,” she scoffed. “I’ve been taking baths on my own since I was five.”

“Fine. Go slow. Watch where you put your feet.”

This was ridiculous. Why would she slip? Sure, she could be somewhat clumsy. But it was just getting out of the bath.

He was being over the top ridiculous.

And you’re objecting because . . .

Also, you already told him you slipped. Idiot.

She climbed out but her foot stepped directly onto a pool of water, sending her sliding and she landed on the tiled floor with a thump and a cry.

Ow. Ouchy. That really hurt.

“What happened? Millie!”

She sat there for a moment, feeling thoroughly humiliated. Then she screeched as the door slammed open and Spike loomed in the doorway. Dressed in just a pair of black pajama pants that hung low on his hips, it took her a moment to drag her tongue back into her mouth with all that skin and muscles on display.

How was it possible for a man to be that ripped?

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic