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“One of my neighbors makes it. The same one who makes the jerky.”

He sighed, pinching the top of his nose. Did he have a headache? Should she offer him some pain relief?

“You know this is illegal?”

“Well, yes. But it’s not real.”

He gave her an incredulous look.

“I mean, it’s not good counterfeit. It’s just a hobby. He’s old. I didn’t like to tell him no when he insisted I bring it.”

“Like the jerky.”

“Umm. Yeah.”

He zipped the bag back up, muttering something to himself. He see

med to do that a lot.

“I’ll take this load out. Stay in here.” The look he gave her told her he meant business.


Striding over to her, he placed the bag down then took hold of her shoulders in his hands, peering down at her. Then he placed his mouth close to her ear.

Why did he keep doing that? Did he know the way it was affecting her?

“You’re clearly not very obedient, so let me make this clear. Leave this room without my permission and your ass is toast. Got it?”

Before she could reply, he was moving out the door.

Did he just threaten to spank her?

Holy. Heck.


Spike buckled her seatbelt before she could reach for it.

He felt her stiffen. But wasn’t sure if it was because he was being bossy and crowding her or because when he slid the belt over her, he accidentally brushed his hand against her breasts.

Maybe both.

He’d given her space while she packed her personal things, but that didn’t mean he hadn’t noticed the stuffed dinosaur she’d attempted to hide. Or the stash of candy she drew out of one of the kitchen cupboards. He’d also spotted a pair of dinosaur slippers next to the bed.

None of that meant anything. Lots of adults had slippers and soft toys. It didn’t mean she was a Little.

But it also wouldn’t surprise him if she was. In fact, it might explain a few things. This overwhelming need he had to protect her, for one thing.

However, it wasn’t his business, even if she was. And the red in her cheeks as she’d hastily hidden the toy dinosaur told him that she wouldn’t appreciate him asking her.

What worried him were the bottles of pills in the bathroom. He wondered what they were for. And if she would tell him.

She had an independent streak. She tried to do everything herself. Who’d been looking after this girl that she thought she had to carry her own suitcase? That she was so shocked when he wanted to do things like check through her motel room to ensure it was safe? Or catch her when she slipped and fell?

He was still in a state of disbelief over that one. Had she really thought he would let her fall?

She was a menace. That was for certain. He didn’t think bubble wrap would help. Hell, he wasn’t even certain that locking her up in Ink’s safe room would help. He had a feeling she could find trouble anywhere.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic