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“Anybody else notice that the way she reacts to things isn’t exactly right?” Grady mused.

“What the hell does that mean? What way should she react?”

“Most people, if they were held at gunpoint, would just hand over their bag, yes? Most people, if they overheard the conversation she did, wouldn’t immediately search out the people who were talked about, would they? Especially not when they learn one of them owns a strip club and runs a gang.”

Grady’s lips twitched at that. Steele hated being referred to as a gang leader.

“And when a scary looking guy forces himself into a room and starts to drag someone off, most people would call the cops or run for help. Especially if that person is far smaller and more delicate than the attacker. And they don’t even know the person being attacked. They definitely wouldn’t pull out a stun gun and shoot him. And even if they did, then I’m certain they wouldn’t brush it off and sit calmly in a room with three of the city’s most dangerous men, drinking virgin daiquiris and putting down newspaper for their narcoleptic puppy.”

“It took a while to catch up to her,” Spike said. “She ended up vomiting in the bathroom.”

“Did it? I’m not sure that’s why she ended up in the bathroom. Does any of that seem normal to the two of you?” Grady asked.

Steele shrugged. “Perhaps she’s simply brave.”

She was a menace. She was clumsy, nosy, smart and far too reckless with her safety.

Yep, he couldn’t stop thinking about her.

“There’s something more going on with her. Mark my words.”

Grady was right. None of it was normal behavior. The way she kept bouncing back like nothing touched her. She couldn’t be as ignorant and innocent as she appeared. His suspicions stirred, wondering if she was hiding something.

And if so, what could it be?

She’d had enough time in the bathroom. The door opened as he rose and she stepped out. He narrowed his gaze. She looked pale. And was she squinting? As though she was in pain?

“Do you think I could get that ibuprofen?” she asked Grady.

“Of course, my dear.” He rose smoothly and walked over to grab them from the bathroom cupboard. Spike walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. Then he took the pills from Grady who sent Spike an amused look but let him take them. He shook two out and handed them to her along with the water.

“What’s wrong? What hurts?” he barked.

She winced.

Easy, man.

“Just my head,” she whispered. “I’ll be fine in a moment. Just a lot has happened in the last few days. My life was rather boring before now. I think the most exciting thing to happen was when Mrs. Larsen pulled a Lady Godiva one Halloween. Of course, she was riding a bike rather than a horse. And unfortunately her hair wasn’t quite long enough to cover her boobs. And . . .” she looked around at the three of them, “you probably don’t want to hear that.”

She rubbed at her temples tiredly. Poor baby. He felt the sudden urge to tuck her up in bed and insist that she stay there until there was color in her cheeks and the worry had faded out of her eyes.

The fact that she didn’t seem to have any sense of self-preservation worried him. Her penchant for getting herself in trouble was clear.

But was that reason enough to take her home with him? He didn’t know her. He could leave her to Steele. He would keep her alive.

She’d be safe, but she’d also be controlled. Kept in the lap of luxury, but only until her appeal ran out.

“Millie, who would you like to stay with while this mess gets sorted out? In the Hulk’s cave? Or Bruce Wayne’s mansion?” Grady asked.

Spike scowled at him.

“I’d really just like to go back to my motel room and stay there with Mr. Fluffy.” There was a hint of tears in her voice and he couldn’t stand it.

Reaching out, he gently tugged her into his chest. “I’m afraid that’s not an option.”

He saw Steele flash a look at Grady. Were those two bastards up to something? He frowned over at them suspiciously. Steele gave him an innocent look back.

Definitely up to something.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic