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The other man didn’t reply.

“I want to know what you’ve found out about Steele,” Luther said. “I know he had something to do with my old man’s murder.”

Her heart pounded as she listened to them.

“I haven’t heard anything about that.”

“He was always jealous of my old man. He wanted his power and his girls. I know Steele took most of them when he killed my father.”

“Steele doesn’t sell pussy, Luther.”

Hmm, that made her like this Mr. Steele more.

“Because he knew my old man would have taken him out if he’d tried. Why would he take his girls if he’s not selling them? That’s why he had my old man killed. So he could have his stable of girls.”

Stable of girls? She made a face.

“Far as I know, Steele doesn’t have any of your old man’s girls working for him. And I’ve never heard anything about Steele murdering him.”

“Then who the fuck did!” Luther screamed.

Seemed Luther had a bit of a temper problem. She ran her fingers through the small dog’s fur, hoping he didn’t give them away. But he seemed content sitting in her bag. Poor thing was probably freezing.

The man facing her held his arms out placatingly. “Look, shit, man. All I know is that Grady set up a meet with your old man the night he died.”

“Who was it with?”

“You know the Iron Shadows?”

“No, who the fuck are they?” Luther snapped.

“They’re an MC club.”

“Oh, so a bunch of loser old men walking around in leather jackets thinking they’re tough?” Luther scoffed. “Why would my dad want to meet with some old biker?”

“I don’t know.”

“Who is it then? Who did my old man meet with the night he died?” Luther demanded.

“They call him Spike. But from what I hear he never got his meet. Your old man was dead when he got there.”

“That means nothing. He could’ve lied about that. He could even have been the one to kill him. Probably on Steele’s order.”

“You don’t know that. You can’t just go after Steele. The boss has a plan—”

“Listen, fuckwit. I can do whatever I like. I’m going to find out what this biker knows. Then I’m going after Steele. And you’re going to fucking help me.”

“Does the boss know about this?”

Luther flung his hand out and slapped the other man. She jumped at the sound of flesh meeting flesh. But thankfully, she held in her cry of surprise. She had a feeling neither of these men would be happy that she’d overheard their conversation.

“You’ll do what I fucking say. I’m in charge. And when I say it’s time, you’re going to help me take out Spike and Steele. Nobody fucks with my family.”


She barely made it back to her motel room before she started vomiting.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Not good.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic