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“Urgh.” She stomped her foot. “You are so infuriating.”

He leaned in; his mouth so close to her ear that she could feel his breath against her skin. She froze as tingles of awareness ran through her. What was that about? Was she attracted to the big meanie?

“Stomp that foot again and you’ll find out what happens to naughty little girls who throw tantrums.”

She stumbled back from him, would likely have tripped over her own feet if Damon hadn’t materialized behind her, steadying her with his hands on her hips.

Spike looked over her shoulder at him and growled. Actually growled. Like a caveman.

Okay, so she didn’t think she was well prepared to deal with him. Maybe with any man. Which was fine, since she didn’t intend to ever fall in love again.

Not. Happening.

Damon didn’t immediately let her go, which she thought was odd. It felt like the three of them were in a stand-off. She was frozen, uncertain whether moving would make things better or worse.

A throat clearing startled the men out of their frozen state and she chose that moment to slip away, stepping over to the bar to search for something to put some water for Mr. Fluffy in. She found a small bowl, filled it and placed it down next to the paper.

When she rose, she was grateful to find both men standing on opposite sides of the room. The man who’d arrived downstairs with Damon earlier was now standing there, watching them with amusement on his face.

“Millie, this is Thomas Grady,” Damon introduced.

“Hello,” she said politely.

He gave her a regal nod back. “Please, call me Grady. Most everyone does.”

“You spoke to Mitchell?” Damon asked Grady who walked over to the bar.

“Yes, of course. He’s going to look into things. Our intruder is under guard for now. Can I make everyone a drink?”

She slid past him and walked towards where Mr. Fluffy was pawing at Damon’s shoes. He was staring down at the dog like he’d never seen one before.

“Come here, Mr. Fluffy.”

“Interesting name,” Damon said as Mr. Fluffy turned and with clumsy steps, managed to make his way over to her.

She scratched him behind the ears and he settled with a big yawn.

“Maybe I should have called him Mr. Lazy.” She smiled up at Damon. He gave her another curious look.

“Drink?” Grady prompted.

She grew red at her lack of manners in not answering him earlier. She tried to stand and nearly tripped over the bottom of her skirt. All three men jumped towards her. She grew even more red.

“Sorry, I can be a bit of a klutz.”

She looked away. All of them were gorgeous in their own way. Grady, refined and almost genteel with a sharp edge. Damon, deadly but with a charming exterior. Then Spike, how to describe him? She couldn’t even find the words. He was stubborn. Angry. There was nothing sweet or charming about him. Yet, she felt this pull towards him. Like there was an invisible string, connecting them.

You’re being ridiculous, Millie.

“She’ll take a soda,” Spike told him.

“I’ll take a strawberry daiquiri please,” she replied, sending Spike a look.

She’d never had one, but it sounded nice.

Grady gave her a surprised look.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic