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“Hmm, a few years ago some of the townspeople wanted to rename it. But nobody could agree on a name. The winning contender was Somewhere. But in the end Nowhere stayed well, Nowhere.”

She noticed everyone was giving her strange looks. She started to feel flushed and self-conscious. Those looks told her they all thought she was bonkers.

It doesn’t matter what other people think of you. Only what you think of yourself.

Still, she could feel her shoulders hunching. Maybe she should learn to be less. Less talkative. Less friendly. Less impetuous.

Less ridiculous.

“I owe you some thanks, Miss Millie,” Mr. Steele said, moving closer to her. He reached out and touched her chin, tilting her face so she was staring up in those pale blue eyes. They reminded her of the sky on a sunny, cloudless day.

“You do?” she asked, feeling flustered at having his entire attention on her. Wow. This guy packed a punch.

“Yes, I do. You helped save one of my staff. I try to take care of everyone that works for me and it seems in this instance that I’ve somehow failed.”

“Oh, I’m sure it wasn’t your fault,” she reassured him.

“I’m not so sure. You see, that man should never have been allowed entrance. Someone let him in. Someone who answers to me. And it also should have been made clear to Tawny that if she had anyone who might be a threat to her that she should have informed my manager. That didn’t happen either. So it is very much my fault that you were nearly harmed.”

“I’m fine. It was Tawny that was in danger.”


Suddenly, a looming presence appeared next to them. “Let go of her.”

She turned shocked eyes to Spike. He had a muscle tic by his left eye. And he looked furious as he glared at Mr. Steele. She took a shocked step back but Mr. Steele just stared at Spike, looking almost . . . amused? But that couldn’t be right.

“Tawny, Chardonnay, you’re excused for the night. I’ll have someone take you both home. Tawny, do you have somewhere safe you can stay? I wouldn’t advise going home.”

“I have a friend I can stay with,” Tawny said quietly.

“Good. Tomorrow, come in early. We need to have a chat.”

Tawny nodded then stopped by Millie, giving her a strange look. “Thanks. For helping me.”

“You’re welcome.” She wanted to say more, but she didn’t know what.

Chardonnay slipped past her as well, giving her a small smile as she handed over Mr. Fluffy. Millie felt a stab of disappointment. Somehow, she didn’t think the other woman was going to give her those dance lessons. Her shoulders slumped.

Making friends had never been hard for Millie. But keeping them? That was a completely different thing. Oh, she had all the people back in Nowhere, but since ninety percent of the population was over seventy, that wasn’t quite what she needed or desired.

She gave a soft sigh and to her shock, she felt a heavy, hot hand land on her lower back. She startled, but the hand didn’t budge.

“What’s wrong?” Spike asked her quietly.

“Oh, nothing.” She forced a big smile onto her face.

But the look he gave her told her that he knew she was faking it.

Before he could say anything more, though, the man who’d come in earlier with Spike and Mr. Steele returned.

“Damon, need a word,” he said, then his gaze caught on her. “Is that a dog?”

His eyes roamed over to the table to where she’d laid out her tools. “And a gun? A pink gun?”

“Hmm, it seems Miss Millie here carries around quite the arsenal,” Mr. Steele told him. “She’s fully prepared for any eventuality.”

The other man gave her a somber look. “Yeah, well, she might need it.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic