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Loneliness assaulted her.

“Hey, don’t go.” Chardonnay reached out a hand to stop her as she turned away. “Don’t worry about Tawny, she’s snappy with everyone. It’s just her nature.”

“I should go anyway,” she said. “I asked some nice man to see if Mr. Steele would talk to me, he’s probably wondering where I’ve gotten off to.”

“Where is she?” a loud voice demanded.

Tawny let out a gasp, looking terrified as she jumped to her feet. A skinny man pushed away a girl who’d just entered the room, shoving her against a table. She let out a pained cry and instantly, Millie slid her hand into her bag, feeling around for her stun gun.

She set her bag on a table, she didn’t want to risk Mr. Fluffy getting in the way, and hid the stun gun in the folds of her skirt.

The man wore baggy jeans and a holey wife beater. His head was shaved bald and he had tattoos that went up one side of his neck and over his face.

“Yo bitch!” he said, his gaze zeroing in on Tawny. “What the fuck did I tell you about running from me? You’re not fucking working here, showing off what fucking belongs to me. You want a good fucking, you’ll get it from me!”

He grabbed his crotch and pumped his hips.

Ew. That was disgusting.

Thankfully it was over quickly. But then he shoved past Chardonnay and Millie towards Tawny who cowered away from him, with such a terrified look on her face that it actually made Millie’s stomach hurt in fear for her.

“Come on, Tawny, I won’t tell you again, bitch.” He grabbed Tawny’s arm. Hard if the way she cried out was any indication. Then he started dragging her from of the room. Where the hell were the bouncers? Why wasn’t someone stopping him? It was obvious that Tawny didn’t want anything to do with this asshole.

He was creepy and terrifying.

But that wasn’t going to stop Millie from doing something. She stepped out in front of him, keeping her stun gun hidden. Her full skirt was pleated with a layer of tulle sewn between two pieces of material so it flowed out from her waist. It was one she’d made herself. And it was perfect in this situation.

Millie stood between him and the door.

“Get out of the way, bitch,” he spat at her.

“Corey, please,” Tawny begged.

“Let Tawny go and I will.”

Chardonnay stood frozen off to the side, watching with wide eyes. Tawny just stared at the asshole, face filled with terror, her entire body trembling.

Corey grinned. It wasn’t a pretty sight. His teeth were yellow and he was missing one at the front. “Listen, you fat bitch, get out of the way now and I won’t mess you up. Much.”

Yeah, she could see just how much he’d love to ‘mess her up.’

“Let Tawny go and I won’t have to hurt you. Much.”

“Jesus fucking Christ, what are you doing?” Chardonnay whispered.

Corey turned to glare at her and she shied away. Millie had had enough of this asshole. “Let. Her. Go.”

To her shock, he shoved Tawny away. Then he took a step towards her. There was death in his gaze. And Millie had to work hard not to run. To stand her ground.

“Oh, you’re gonna regret that, bitch. I am gonna mess you the fuck up.” He reached out for her and she struck, pressing the stun gun to his arm and pushing down.

He stumbled backward, looking dazed and confused. Tawny gasped as he tripped over a bag on the floor and fell onto his back.

“What the fuck!” a deep voice exclaimed.

Somebody walked through the door. A huge man that had on black pants and a black T-shirt with Pinkies written on it. The bouncer. About time. Following him was a calm-looking man dressed in a suit. It had to be especially made for him, considering his large build. His pale blue gaze flickered from her to the stun gun in her hand, the man groaning on the floor to the two scared women.

Another man walked in, dressed in black pants and a white shirt.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic