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Today, she was going to her first ever barbeque at Sunny and Duke’s place. Apparently, Duke and Sunny had these barbecues at least once a month and everyone would be there. She couldn’t wait to get to know Sunny and Betsy better. But she was also nervous as hell. About making a good impression, about what they might think about her, if she’d fit in.

“Millie, what is this?” Spike pointed at the clothes she’d laid out on the bed.

He didn’t like her dressing herself. He told her it was because she might strain her shoulder, but she had a feeling that even once she was healed, she still wouldn’t be allowed to put her own clothes on.

“It’s the clothes I chose, why?” She looked at the plain, black dress she’d bought online.

“You’re not wearing this.”

“Why not? Is it too casual? Not casual enough?” She chewed her lip. “What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s not you. That’s what is wrong with it. Now, go choose something else. Something you would really wear. With color. While I go put this in the trash.” He picked it up and walked towards the door.

“You can’t throw it away.”

“Why not? You’re not ever going to wear it.”

“But . . . but . . .”

He strode back to her, his eyebrows drawn down and then leaned in and kissed her fiercely. “What did I tell you? That you don’t ever change you, understand me? No. Matter. What.”

Tears filled her eyes. How had she been so lucky to find him?

“Now, find a new dress,” he commanded as he walked away. “And that’s two ticks on the naughty side of the chart.”

What? Well, that sucked.

* * *

Millie giggled as she watched all the puppies playing together. Royal and Baron each threw a ball and the excited fur balls practically fell over their big paws, trying to chase them. Well, all the puppies except for her boy who had found a patch of sunlight and promptly fell asleep.

Baron lay on the ground, laughing as the puppies crawled over him.

“Gonna have some tired puppies tonight,” Sunny said as she came and sat on a chair beside Millie. Betsy had taken a seat on the other side. They’d just eaten lunch and now the guys were up on the porch, having a drink and talking, while she’d come down here to watch the twins play with the puppies.

“Bandit has been sleeping in with the boys at night,” Betsy told them, sipping on a pink lemonade. “He alternates between their beds.”

“Spike won’t let Mr. Fluffy sleep in bed with me.” Millie pushed the skirt of her red dress down. She didn’t know why she’d been so worried about what she wore or fitting in. Everyone here was so nice.

“Razor is so sweet with his puppy, Luna and she adores him,” Sunny whispered, looking back at the large, dark-skinned man.

“I wish Hack was here with his puppy,” Millie said.

“I’m glad he took one, I worry he gets lonely,” Betsy said.

So did she.

“Hatter keeps chewing Duke’s boxers, at this rate he’s not going to have any left,” Sunny said with a grin. “I’m not complaining.”

“All of your friends have returned home?” Be

tsy asked.

“Yes, I miss them. But Spike said we can visit. I think he was pleased to see them go. Not that I can blame him, he’s used to having that big house to himself and they’re pretty loud. Plus, Reverend Pat kept grilling him on his intentions towards me.”

Sunny grinned. “Does that mean there’s going to be a wedding soon?”

She felt herself growing red. “I don’t know.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic