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“Well, don’t worry, we have to come pack up the house and get my stuff. Spike just doesn’t want me travelling that far at the moment.”

Overprotective as always.

Reverend Pat nodded. “I look forward to it.”

“That’s it. That’s where they’re staying.” Spike stomped his way down the ladder and she had to bite her lip to stop from laughing. He took down the ladder, lying it on its side as he walked towards her.

“Time for your nap, Millie.”

Which was code for I need a time-out from all these people invading my house. He walked up the steps and she put her coffee down as he gently picked her up in his arms. Mr. Fluffy rose with a yawn and stood to follow them. Seemed he felt the same way about his brothers and sister.

Spike kissed her forehead as he turned. Her insides melted at the gesture. Then he froze.

“What the hell is that dog doing with my shoe?”

She tried. She really tried to hold it in.

But she couldn’t stop the giggles from escaping.


Spike slid down her body, wrapping his lips around her plump nipple he tugged at it softly.

“Daddy,” she groaned.

Fuck. Yeah.

Finally, the house was empty. It was just him, his baby doll and that damn dog.

Two weeks.

Two weeks he’d put up with her crazy friends, with barking puppies who weren’t nearly as well behaved as Mr. Fluffy. Honestly, he appreciated the narcoleptic ball of fluff much more now. Even if he had barfed in his shoe yesterday.

Well over two weeks since he’d made love to his girl. Because she’d been in hospital and recovering before their visitors arrived and she hadn’t felt like she could relax enough to have sex while Reverend Pat was in the house.

But now they had all gone back to Nowhere. The puppies, who had all been to the vet including Mr. Fluffy, had all gone to good homes. Apparently, they were part Leonburger. He was so

glad they’d gotten them away from the Devil’s Sinners. The vet thought they’d probably intended to use them as drug mules.

Apparently, it was a thing some gangs did, using dogs to carry liquid bags of heroin inside them. Luther must have bought them from somewhere out of the city and had been transporting them to the gang headquarters when he stopped to track down Regan and lost one. God knows how Mr. Fluffy escaped since he was rarely awake. But he somehow had.

Millie had been relieved when the vet said that it was fine for Mr. Fluffy to be that sleepy. But they’d both been shocked to learn he’d likely to grow to well over two feet tall and would probably weigh around a hundred and forty pounds.

He moved down her tummy and then knelt up, pushing the blankets apart.

“Legs spread wide and stay very still. I don’t want you hurting yourself.”

Luther hadn’t done any further damage to her shoulder, thank fuck. But she was still unable to use that arm and he knew it frustrated her. There had been a few tantrums thrown over it, out of sight of their guests of course. This week, the ticks were going to be firmly on the punishment side of her chart.

He’d need to be imaginative with her punishment since he still wasn’t comfortable spanking her with her injured shoulder.

Lying on his stomach between her legs, he spread her lower lips, licking at her clit with long, firm swipes of his tongue. She let out a satisfied cry. Yeah, his baby was loud during sex.

And he fucking loved it.

He twirled his tongue around her clit then dropped it lower, running it over her folds, lapping up all her juices.

She tasted fucking delicious.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic