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Poor bastard.

He sped into his driveway and had barely put the truck in drive before he was out the door. Thankfully, Razor had managed to hold onto all the puppies. Although he left them in the truck as they raced up towards the house.

“Millie!” Spike roared as he ran. “Millie!”

He stormed towards the door, nearly tripping over Hack’s prone body lying in the foyer.


A woman who’d been holding something to the back of Hack’s head scrambled back with a terrified cry.

“Spike, rein it in,” Reyes snapped.

Spike briefly took in the woman, noting her battered appearance. Shit. Fuck. What had gone on here?

“Daddy? Daddy!”

His attention turned from Hack and the woman as he leapt towards Millie. She was leaning against the hallway outside his office. Her face was deathly pale, her hair a mess, clothes rumpled. She’d obviously been through hell.

And he hadn’t been here.

He gathered her close, holding her gently and still he heard her indrawn breath of pain.

There was a groan from behind him.

“Hack’s coming around,” Razor called out.

“We c-couldn’t get him any f-further,” she said to Spike. “He was t-too heavy.”

She was shaking so hard she could barely speak. Poor baby.

Leaning down, he carefully took hold of her chin, lifting her face. That’s when he noticed the mottled bruising around her neck.

“Who the fuck strangled you!” he roared.

* * *

Millie sat on Spike’s lap, surrounded by his strong arms and for the first time since he’d left that night she felt safe. Mr. Fluffy was snuggled up on her lap and even though he was getting rather heavy she wasn’t going to move him.

He was a hero, after all.

“All of you need to go to the emergency room,” Reyes said.

Millie’s gaze went to the woman sitting in the corner, her legs up against her chest. Razor was attempting to talk to her quietly. They were all in Spike’s office. Hack had been helped in there by Reyes and was now sitting on the sofa as Reyes secured a bandage around his head.

“I’m fine.”

Spike rumbled in disagreement. He hadn’t spoken since she’d started her recounting of what happened. She was starting to get worried about him. He was sitting on the chair with her on his lap, glaring down at Luther like he’d enjoy tearing him apart limb from limb.

Reyes had secured the man’s hands behind his back with a pair of handcuffs with pink fluff around the inside of the cuffs. She might remember to be embarrassed about that later.

“You’re not fine. You can barely speak. Both of you are covered in bruises and Hack has a huge bump on the back of his head,” Razor pointed out in a soft tone, obviously trying not to scare Tabby any more than she was.

Spike snarled down at Luther who was still unconscious.

“What are we going to do with Luther?” she asked. “What happened at the warehouse? Is everyone fine?”

“Everyone is fine. But there was another rat,” Razor explained. “Mitchell.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic