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“What do you want?” she rasped.

“I want you fucking dead,” Luther snarled at her.

“That’s not what you really want. Right? You want power. Money.” An idea came to her. “What if I had enough money that you could get away from here? Start over. You could just take it and go.”

“Banks can track fucking wire transfers, bitch. I won’t even be able to access it without some fancy fucking off-shore account.”

“I have cash. Lots of cash. All you have to do is leave us here. Alive.”

“Or you can just give me the cash and I can still fucking shoot you.”

Okay. So her negotiation skills needed work.

“Where’s the fucking money?” Luther screamed, spittle flying from his mouth.

Gross. So gross.

Where was Spike? What about Hack?

“Tell me where the money is or I’ll fucking shoot you! This better not be a fucking trick!”

“It’s not! I’ll get it for you!” She tried to pull herself up. Maybe if she stalled long enough Spike would get here.

She was shaking too hard and in too much pain to get her legs under her so she could stand.

“Get up, you fat bitch.”

“She can’t,” the other woman said. “You hurt her.”

Millie looked over at the other woman, urging her to stay silent. She didn’t want him turning his rage back on the poor, small woman. Millie winced as she took in her face. One eye was swollen shut and there was dried blood under her nose. What other injuries did she have?

“Shut the fuck up! Or I’m gonna put a bullet in your brain!” Luther screamed at her.

The other woman whimpered and Millie gathered her strength, managing to push herself up using the sofa behind her. She swayed, black dots dancing through her vision.

Don’t faint. Don’t faint.

“Fucking hell! This is all such a mess! I should be in a position of power. I’m meant to be someone. Instead, here I am with two sniveling bitches, on the run. Where’s the money, bitch?”

Spike, please hurry.

“Bitch, you better answer me!”

Didn’t he know any other insults?

“In the office.” She stumbled through the room, trying to stay upright.

“Stay here,” he barked at the other woman. He followed so close behind her that she could smell the stench of his body odor. She was nearly gagging by the time she reached the office.

Spike, please, I need you.

“It’s in the floor. Over here.”

“This better not be a fucking trick, bitch, or you’re dead.”

She figured she was dead either way.

Please, Spike. Please. I love you.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic