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Who was it?

She wished she could think. But it was like all her thoughts were coming through sludge.

“Now I have nothing! Your fucking cousin is after me! Steele is gunning for me and the fucking Devil’s Sinners want my guts.”

There was another voice. Feminine. Her voice was low and quiet so Millie couldn’t make out the words. Then there was the sound of skin slapping against skin.

Then a cry.

Had he hit her?

“All because I fucking lost one goddamn puppy and this bitch picked him up! How was I supposed to know she was listening in? That she would tell Steele what she heard? What were the fucking odds of that?”

Another slapping sound. Another cry.

Millie wanted to protest. Wanted to help the woman. As she forced her eyes open, she realized who that voice belonged to.


“Wake up, you stupid bitch!” A kick landed against her thigh and she screamed in pain.

“Stop it, Luther!” the woman cried.

Millie groaned, trying to curl up to protect herself.

“Get out of the way, you ugly bitch.”

More hits. More cries.

Millie forced her eyes open, her vision was blurred but she could see they were still at the house. What had happened? How had Luther gotten in here?


He’d been hurt. Obviously by Luther. Had he killed him? Oh God, where was he?

She couldn’t think over all the yelling Luther was doing.

She blinked a few times, trying to clear her vision. It was then that she saw the other woman. She was sitting on the floor, her arms over her head as Luther screamed down at her.

Oh no.

He reached down and started slapping at her. She had to stop him. She had to do something.

“Stop!” she croaked out. “Stop hurting her.”

She didn’t know who the other woman was, but she was obviously a victim to this asshole.

Luther turned, his chest heaving, his eyes wild.

“You fucking bitch! This is all your fault! I was gonna run this fucking town! Her fucking cousin was too much of a pussy to take over, so I was going to do it. I fucking had it all worked out until you ruined it all.”

He reached down and grabbed her, dragging her up. She screamed as fire engulfed her shoulder and side. He shook her, not caring about her pain. Mr. Fluffy started barking and attacking Luther’s ankles. He shook him off then kicked the dog, sending him flying. He let out a pained whimper.

“No!” she screamed.

“I ought to put a fucking bullet in your brain right now.” He shoved her down against the sofa. Sweat coated her skin as she lay there, trying to manage the pain. Everything hurt, but nothing more than her shoulder and head.

“Luther, no! You can’t shoot her. Please! Stop!”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic