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“A puppy?” Grady said slowly. “Do tell.”

“The fucking puppy that cunt of his found.” Mitchell nodded to Spike.

“Shut your fucking mouth,” Spike spat back. What did this have to do with Millie? And Mr. Fluffy?

“Luther was transporting a bunch of puppies for us and he lost one. All the idiot had to do was pick the up from the breeder and bring them to headquarters. They all look alike. When I saw that damn puppy with your bitch the other night at Pinkies, I knew it was the missing one,” Mitchell snapped. “Needed to figure out how she got hold of it. I sent off a text to Corey to tell him the bitch was there. Then after work, I went to talk to Luther. Found out that he’d pulled Regan out of his cover to talk with him.”

Fuck. Shit.

“Was suspicious as fuck, but I didn’t know if she’d overheard them. Until the location of your secret warehouse was leaked in front of Regan,” Mitchell added. “That’s how I knew that you’d all figured out he was the fucking rat. It was too much of a coincidence. That location was always locked down tight.”

“And now you’ve been caught in our trap,” Falcon informed them.

“Actually, I’ll have to disagree with you,” Steele said before letting out a piercing whistle.

They came from everywhere. They’d slipped into the warehouse unnoticed and hidden behind crates. Reyes, Ink, Duke and Razor as well as the rest of Ink’s guys. All of them armed, their guns pointed at the Devil’s Sinners guys.

Falcon had a nice red dot on his forehead. Courtesy of Jason with his sniper rifle. Spike saw Falcon swallow heavily.

“Fucking hell,” Jackal swore. “You fucking cunts are dead! You’re all dead!”

“I don’t think so,” Steele replied. “Put the gun down, Mitchell.”

“Fuck you,” Mitchell spat at him.

“Be a shame if Falcon got his head blown off,” Steele said calmly. “Or you.”

The beam of light landed on Mitchell’s forehead. “Fuck! Fuck!”

Mitchell stepped back and Grady reached over and grabbed the gun then he shoved Mitchell towards the other Devil’s Sinners. Mitchell turned back with a snarl. “Fucking assholes. You’ll pay for this.”

“I doubt it,” Steele replied. “See, you’re not as smart as you think you are. All those shipments that were intercepted, the information that was leaked, it couldn’t have come from Regan. He wasn’t close enough to us. But you were.”

Mitchell just glared at him.

“So you see, we didn’t know there was another rat,” Grady drawled. “We were just waiting for him to show his true colors. Your downfall was pairing up with an idiot like Luther Franklin.”

“Where is Luther?” Spike asked.

“Running,” Falcon replied. “Fucking bastard messed everything up for us. He knows we’re coming for him.”

“You five are staying here.” Steele pointed to Falcon, Jackal, Corey, Mitchell and Regan. “Raul, call in some more guys and take the rest of them with you. All of you head over to their headqua

rters. Let them know they’re no longer welcome in my city. Not that any of you ever were.”

* * *

A buzzer sounded and she walked to the front door to unlock it, checking the camera first the way Spike had taught her. Seeing Hack standing there, she opened the door with a smile.

He smiled at her. “Hello, princess.” He held up one hand. “I bring with me treasures from the fairy kingdom. Magical candy.” He shook a huge bag of M&Ms. “And magic wands.” The other hand held a bag of Twizzlers.

How did he know they were her favorites?

What did it matter? The man needed to get in here with his treasure.

She opened the door further. “Come in.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic