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“Does it?” the Fox said slyly. “Sorry, sweet girl. Can’t stay and chat. Things to do, people to kill.”


“Bye, sweet girl. See you soon. Likely, very soon.”

With that the call ended.

“Wait. So he didn’t send me that money?”

Sunny looked at Duke then Spike. “My gut tells me he did. He didn’t out and out say he didn’t. But he likely wants to keep his reasons to himself.”

“What I want to know is what the hell did he mean by I’ll see you soon,” Duke demanded.

Sunny shrugged. “It’s the Fox. Who knows?”


Spike tapped out a message to Hack before walking back into the living room. Millie looked up from the sofa, giving him a worried look. He tried to smile for her, not wanting her to stress too much.

Just minutes ago he’d had his baby on his lap as they watched some movie about trolls who sang. Then Steele had rang. And now he had to head out to help deal with the trap Steele had set using the rat in his ranks.

“It’s happening now?” Millie asked Spike.

“Yep, apparently, Ink’s surveillance caught sight of a group of Devil’s Sinners breaking into the warehouse that Steele leaked to the rat. They’re gonna detain them until Steele arrives.”

Already his mind was going through what he needed to do.

“And you’re going as well?” she asked fearfully.

A response came from Hack quickly. He was on his way. He lived closest to Spike so he was the obvious choice to come sit with Millie while Spike was gone.

He leaned over her where she sat on the couch. They’d been watching Sing again. He had to admit the movie was growing on him. It was dark outside now and she’d been allowed to stay up later due to good behavior this week. Although it had been close. There had only been one tick in it.

Gently, he kissed her lips. “I promise I’ll be careful. Steele will also have men with him. Hack is on his way.”

Millie licked her lips, looking nervous. “Okay, you better go. You don’t want to miss anything.”

r />

He frowned, not wanting to leave her alone. “Hack will be about another five or ten minutes.”

“And I’ll be fine until he gets here. Promise. No gymnastics, acrobatics or stairs until he gets here.”

He grasped hold of her chin. “Promise.”

“Pinky promise.” She held out her little finger and he wrapped his around hers. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

He grabbed his gun and made sure the alarms were all set before racing out of there. This was it. They finally had the Devil’s Sinners where they wanted them. He just hoped that fucker who shot her was there.

* * *

Fifteen minutes later, he pulled his truck up a block away from the warehouse. Steele had waited until the rat was in hearing distance to let the location of his supply warehouse slip out. Its location was a closely guarded secret.

Of course this wasn’t the location of the actual warehouse. Brody, Ink’s tech guy, had set up cameras around the perimeter. Alarms had been triggered by the Devil’s Sinners when they’d snuck in and Ink’s men, who had been waiting close by, had been alerted, swarming in to surround the intruders.

It was an expensive exercise, but Steele wanted nothing leaking to the Devil’s Sinners.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic