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“Want to talk about it?” he murmured, taking the bottle and putting it aside before leaning up on one elbow to stare down at her.

She shook her head. “It’s always the same. Always Daria asking for my help.”

“I’m so sorry, baby doll.” He pushed some strands of hair away from her face.

“I know. Me too.”

He lay back beside her, holding her gently. “Think you can go back to sleep?”

She felt restless, out of sorts.

“No,” she replied, feeling guilty at keeping him awake. “I could go into the other room, let you get a peaceful night’s sleep for once.”

He let out a disgruntled growl. “You’ll stay right where you are. You won’t ever sleep apart from me. Never again.”

“Well, there might be some instances where I have to sleep apart from you.”

“Not happening.”

“What if one of us needs to go away?”

“The other one goes with them.”


“No. I didn’t find you to spend even one night apart from you. I’m a possessive bastard. You. Are. Mine.”

Was it wrong to like his possessiveness so much? She really wasn’t sure. And she didn’t know that she cared.

“Got an idea how to help you sleep.”

He slid under the blankets. She was lying on her back, a pillow under her arm to support it. All she wore was a camisole and panties. She didn’t bother putting the strap over the shoulder of her injured arm. So when he reached up and tugged her top down, her breast popped free easily.

He pushed her legs apart, settling between her thighs, his fingers plucking at her nipple.


He stilled and she knew what he wanted. Knew he liked to be called Daddy all the time.

“Daddy, please.”

His tongue ran along the seam of her lips before dipping in to toy with her clit. Lapping at it, sucking, teasing.

Pleasure stole over her, her heart racing for an entirely different reason. She parted her legs further, allowing him greater access. His tongue left her clit and she let out a cry of protest. But then he thrust it deep into her pussy. Her hips arched up. His fingers left her nipple, his thumb circling her clit as he tongue-fucked her.

In and out. Slow then fast. Her breath came in sharp pants as his thumb now flicked at the swollen bud. She needed to come.

“Please, Daddy. Please!”

Her thighs were shaking. She was so close. So close.

Her pleasure crested and she cried out as she came. Her pussy continued to give pulses of ecstasy. He lapped at her, bringing her down slowly before shifting away. Lying on his side, he moved the camisole back up over her breast then wrapped his big arm over her waist.

“Can I do something for you?” she asked shyly.

He kissed her shoulder. “Not now, baby doll. Now is the time for sleep. You need that more than I need my cock sucked.”

She surprised herself by huffing out a laugh. She felt his lips curling against her arm.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic