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When he saw her yawn for the third time in a matter of minutes, he knew that he was going to have to interrupt her play.

“Hey, baby doll. Time for a nap.” He set his laptop down and walked over to crouch in front of her.

“Don’t need a nap, Daddy.”

“You’ve yawned several times and it’s past the time that you usually nap.”

“No, Daddy. I’m playing.”

“Little girl, last warning,” he said sternly.

She frowned up at him. “Daddy, I’m in the middle of building a princess castle. I can’t be stopping. Where will she sleep tonight if I don’t make it?”

“I’m sure she’ll be just fine sleeping in the box.”

“In a box.” She gasped. “Daddy, a princess does not s

leep in a box.”

He tapped her nose. “If this princess doesn’t do as she’s told she might well find herself sleeping with a hot bottom.”

“Daddy! You can’t spank me! Chompers, get him!” she commanded her dinosaur.

He shook his head at her antics, then to his shock, he found himself whacked in the face with a dinosaur.

Spike sat there for a moment. There was a deafening silence.

He looked at Chompers then over to Millie’s horrified face. “Did you just throw your toy at me, little girl?”

“Nuh-uh, Daddy.”

“Nuh-uh? So you didn’t do that?”

“Nope, Daddy. That would be naughty.”

“It would be naughty. So how do you think Chompers ended up hitting me in the face?” he asked her.

“Well, he is a dinosaur. They aren’t exactly well trained.”

“Uh-huh, so Chompers did that all on his own?”

“I guess he didn’t want to take a nap. Naughty Chompers,” she scolded the dinosaur.

“Well, I guess Chompers is going to have to go into time-out then, isn’t he?” He stood and walked to the corner of the room that held the time-out chair. He set Chompers into it.

“No, Daddy, you can’t do that to Chompers,” she cried.

Mr. Fluffy opened an eye and let out a disgruntled woof. Whether that was over Millie’s distress or the fact that she woke him up, Spike wasn’t sure.

“If Chompers is naughty he has to be punished. Come on, nap time.”

“Not without Chompers.”

“Chompers decided to hit Daddy rather than doing as he was told, so he’s getting time-out while you take a nap.”

“Urgh, Daddy! You know it wasn’t Chompers. It was me.” She frowned at him.

“So you hit Daddy in the face with Chompers and you lied to me?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic