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This would be easier with a proper bottle. It was something he’d usually discuss with her first, but she had shown some interest. And if it helped him get her hydrated it could only be a good thing.

Fuck, he hated leaving her but he needed to get some of the things he’d ordered for her. Including a baby monitor with a camera.

Walking out, he made a few calls while he was grabbing stuff. After setting up the camera and making sure it worked, he mixed some more fairy juice up into the baby bottle he’d bought for her then set it by her lips.

He didn’t want to wake her if she was sleeping. But to his surprise, her mouth opened and he slid the nipple in. She started sucking on it.

When it was half gone, her mouth went slack and he guessed she was in a deeper sleep. After brushing a light kiss on her forehead, he stood.

“You’re not alone anymore, baby doll. I’m gonna take care of you.”

* * *

Razor whistled as he entered the foyer. “Some nice digs you got here, bro. So how come we never come out here for Sunday barbeques, huh?”

“Because I don’t want you all in my house,” Spike said dryly. “Wouldn’t have you here now if I could leave.”

But there was no way he was leaving her.

“What’s this about?” Reyes snapped as he followed Razor. “What was so urgent we had to come all the way out here?”

“You have something better to do?” Ink asked Reyes. “You gonna get laid or something? Spike, you should let the man get laid, maybe he’d be in a better mood.”

“Certainly worked for you,” Duke shot at Ink.

Ink handed over Mr. Fluffy to Spike, placing his bag of stuff in the foyer. “Thanks to you, Betsy and the boys now want a puppy. Only they can’t decide on a breed. I’m gonna end up with three damn puppies.”

The last one inside was Jason who just nodded his head.

“Keep your voices down,” Spike told them. “Millie’s asleep. Don’t need you all waking her.”

“Even more reason we shouldn’t be here,” Reyes said. “Couldn’t you come in?”

“Not leaving her.” He led the way down to his office. He set Mr. Fluffy down on the floor and the dog promptly jumped on the sofa and settled in.

So well trained.

Spike set the monitor down so he could see her sleeping.

Spike hated that she was in pain. They needed a routine. Something that would help with her stress levels and teach her to lean on him.

He had a feeling he was going to need a notebook to keep track of all her transgressions while she was injured. He was going to find it hard to get stern with her at the best of times.

Fuck, this girl. She had him wrapped around her little finger.

“Couldn’t we have had this chat over the phone?” Reyes asked.

“Not private enough.”

Ink rolled his eyes at him. “Who do you think is gonna listen in?”

“I dunno. Maybe the Fox.”

“What?” Duke snapped.

“I’ve gone over this house with a bug detector. It’s clean.”

“Explain yourself,” Reyes demanded.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic