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“What did you say?” he asked slowly.

“For Fox Sake. I remember it because it sounds like for fuck’s sake. And there was this image of a fox’s head. I guess I entered a competition that was maybe at a pet store or something. Although I hadn’t been to a pet store. Maybe it was one of those ones where you’re entered into the draw just by purchasing something.”

Spike got to his feet, no longer able to stay still.

“What’s going on?” Damon demanded. “What’s wrong?”

Spike shook his head. “Nothing. I just . . . I need you guys to go.”

Damon scowled. “Spike, if you’re in trouble . . .”

“There’s no trouble. And if there were, I can take care of myself.”

“We’ll go. I’m sure Millie could use some rest. She looks rather fragile right now,” Grady cautioned.

Millie frowned at his words, but Spike knew the other man was right. She was fragile. Injured.

Was she who she portrayed herself to be, though?

How could someone be that innocent? And what about the strange way she reacted to things? Was there something more to it than having a warped processing system? Fucked if he knew, but he had to find out.

“I made you lasagna and put it in the fridge. You just need to heat it up. On the stove is some caramel sauce to go with the ice cream for dessert,” Damon told him.

“Thank you.”

He waited for them both to say goodbye to Millie then he walked them out.

“You sure there’s nothing we can do?” Damon asked.

“When’s the trap being set?”

“Don’t know. Soon. You want to be there for it?”

“Yeah. I’ll find someone to stay with Millie.”

Damon whacked him on the back and Grady nodded to him before they left.

He took a moment to gather himself. Had it all been a lie? No, it couldn’t have been.

Then what was going on?

Well, there was only one way to find out. He walked back into the living room and sat on the coffee table in front of Millie. She was staring at the giraffe. “What am I going to do with him?”

“Don’t worry about the giraffe. Millie, be honest with me.”

“No good conversations usually start that way, but okay. Honest about what?”

“Just how do you know the Fox?”


Had he lost his mind?

Was he tricking her or something? Was fox a code word for something?

“How do I know the fox?”

He stood and paced back and forth in front of her, which was bizarre in itself. Spike wasn’t a pacer. He sat back. He observed. He looked for weaknesses.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic