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Spike grumbled at him and walked away, carrying her into the living room, where a giant giraffe lay on the sofa. Her mouth dropped open as she stared at it.

“What the fuck is that?” Spike snapped.

“That’s a giraffe,” Damon said, picking it up so Spike could lay her carefully on the sofa.

“I’ll go get you a pillow and blanket. Need anything else?”

She shook her head, grimacing slightly.

“Stay put.”

She wasn’t planning on going anywhere. He quickly disappeared upstairs. Grady sat on one of the recliners while Damon grabbed a chair from the table and sat close to her.

“How are you, my dear?” Grady asked.

“I’m fine. Really,” she insisted as they gave her doubtful looks. “You brought me a giraffe?” A giant giraffe.

Grady sighed. “I told him it was gauche. He insisted that bigger is better. I tried to point out that isn’t always true.”

Damon sent him a cheeky grin. “And sometimes it is.”

Not for the first time, she wondered if there was something between them. Not that it was any of her business.

“What are you doing here?” Spike demanded as he re-entered the room. He set a pillow behind her then carefully laid the blanket over her.

“Spike,” she chided

“It’s all right, my dear. We’re well used to Spike’s idiosyncrasies.”

“It’s not an idiosyncrasy,” Spike grumbled.

Damon grinned. “He likes to pretend that he doesn’t like us, but really he would be lost without us.”

Spike just shook his head.

Damon lost his grin. “How are you, Millie? Spike is terrible at keeping us updated.”


“I’m fine.”

Both men’s faces grew stony hard. Spike grunted. “She’s doing okay. Surgery went well. No sign of infection. We’re not sure how much use of that arm she’ll get back, though.”

“See, fine,” she said cheerfully.

“I can’t believe this happened on my watch.” Damon shook his head. “And then they fucking got away.”

She sighed. “I’m surrounded by people who seem to want to feel guilty for things that are beyond their control. It’s not your fault I got shot.”

“Any idea how they knew she was there?” Spike asked

“Someone had to have told them,” Grady said.

“Who?” Spike asked.

“That’s the question,” Damon said darkly.

“It could have been a coincidence,” she said weakly.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic