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“I’ll be fine,” she said more firmly. “Thank you.”

“Spike, you got anything to say?” Hack asked.

Spike glanced over at him. She braced herself, knowing he would side with Hack.

“She’ll be fine,” Spike told him.

Okay. That surprised her. It surprised Hack too, if his expression was anything to go by.

“All right. I’ve got to get going. Rest when you can. Drink plenty of fluids. You might not feel like eating yet, and that’s okay. Just keep up the fluids. Spike, try not to terrorize the nurses too much. I don’t want to come back to save you from them. If you need me, call.”

He left and silence filled the room.

“You’re not going to pressure me to talk to someone?” she asked.

“You will be fine. I won’t allow you to be anything else. But you will talk to me. You’re gonna tell me why you react the way you do.”

“React the way I do?”

/> “Hmm. Other people, they hear they might not be able to do something they love because they were shot by some asshole, they’d likely get angry. Upset. They might cry or shout or go into shock. You just moved on. And not the first time you’ve done it. We’ll talk about that. And everything else. If I get the answer I want. So gotta know, what’s your answer, Millie?”

She licked her dry lips. “My answer.”

“You should know I’ll take care of you no matter what.”

“You don’t have to.”

“I do.”

“Because you feel guilty?”

“Because I love you.”

“I love you too,” she whispered back. “I’m in this.”

“All the way?”

“All the way.”

A look of such stark possessiveness filled his face that her breath was stolen for a moment. Then he leaned in to kiss her lightly.

“Thank fuck.” He leaned his forehead against hers. “Gonna look after you, baby doll.”

“I know you will.”

“I’m not easy. Not simple. At times you’ll want to kill me. But now one will ever love you like I do.”

She knew that. She felt it in her soul.


“Right, Millie, it’s time for a sponge bath.” The nurse who walked in spoke cheerfully. As though this was something she should be happy about.

Having a stranger bathe her. Umm, no thanks. Definitely not on her list to do today.

Even though she’d tried to send him home last night, Spike had insisted on staying. Much to the night nurse’s irritation. She knew he can’t have gotten much sleep sitting in that chair.

She couldn’t wait to get home. She missed Mr. Fluffy. Spike had brought her Chompers, which helped. And he’d actually Facetimed Betsy earlier so that Millie could check on Mr. Fluffy.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic