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Christ, how was he ever going to let her out of his sight again?

He couldn’t.

Over and over, it kept playing in his mind. The car screeching around the corner. Something sticking out the window.


Steele’s horrified shout.

The realization that they were being shot at.

Diving for Millie and tackling her to the ground.

Too. Fucking. Late.

He’d nearly lost her. Like Jacqui. He couldn’t do this. Could he? Fuck. This is why he was supposed to stop himself from feeling anything.

But he’d never expected her to nearly die.

“Spike? Are you all right? Spike?”

His breath came in sharp, shallow pants. The world spun around him.

Fuck. Get it under control, man.

“Spike! I’ll call the nurse.”

“No!” he said sharply. “No. I’m fine.” He forced his gaze back to hers. Tears were dripping down her cheeks and he quickly moved closer to her, wiping them away. “What’s wrong? Are you hurting? Where is it sore? Press the button.”

He picked up the pain relief button, giving it to her.

“It’s not that. It’s you. Are you sure you’re okay? You look so upset.”

Shit. Fuck. He was supposed to be keeping her calm and here he was scaring the shit out of her. He cupped her face between his hands. “I’m fine, baby doll. I’m all right. Just worried as fuck about you.”

“What happened? Who shot me? Was it a random drive-by?”

He sighed. “It was the Devil’s Sinners.”


“After you were shot, I stayed with you. Waiting for the ambulance.” And trying hard not to lose it. Even though he’d wanted to roar in pain, thinking she was going to die. “Some of Steele’s guys gave chase, but it was too late. They couldn’t catch up to them.”

“What makes you think it was the Devil’s Sinners then?”

“Steele caught a look at the shooter. It was that asshole, Corey.”

“Oh God. He tried to kill me? Really?”

“I should never have let you go to Pinkies that night. I should have kept you home.”

Where she would’ve been fucking safe. As soon as she was well enough to leave the hospital, he was taking her home and keeping her there.


Shit. Fuck.

“It’s not your fault. You couldn’t have known.” She frowned. “How did he know that I was there or was it all just a coincidence?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic