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“He didn’t mean what he said,” he whispered to her. “He’s scared.”

Spike, scared? Yeah, right.

Spike pulled her away from Grady, glaring at the other man as he slid his arm around her waist. Then without a word to Grady, he led her away.

“That was rude,” she told him.

He just grunted.

“We should have said goodbye to Damon.”

He was silent as he led them outside. They were nearly at his truck, when someone called out his name from t

he club. Turning, they both saw Damon standing there.

“Spike! Talk to you a minute?”

Sighing, he turned to her. She shivered slightly. “If you give me the keys, I’ll hop in.”

He just gave her a look and beeped the truck open. He walked over to open the door, but she paused, turning to give Damon a wave good night.

As she turned, the sound of tires squealing caught her attention.

She looked over as a car screeched down the street. Mr. Fluffy started barking.

“Spike!” Damon roared.

“Millie!” Spike yelled.

It felt like everything was in slow motion. Steele raced towards her, a look of horror and fear on his face.

There was a rat-a-tat noise then something lodged in her shoulder. Pain screamed through her as something heavy slammed into her, pushing her to the ground.

She screamed. Or she thought she did. She wasn’t sure. There was a lot of noise. The sound of her heartbeat drowned everything else out. Her arm was burning, like her skin was being flayed straight from her.

Struggling for breath, she lay on the ground, wondering what was lying on top of her. Too heavy. Get off.

Did she say the words or just imagine them?

She tried to wiggle free but whatever it was held her tighter.

Black circles appeared in her vision.

Oh shit. Was she getting a migraine?

Then all other thoughts fled from her mind as darkness overtook her.


What was that beeping noise?

It was so annoying.

“Sorry, princess,” a male voice said to her. “But the beeping is a good thing. It tells us you’re alive.”

She tried to open her eyes, but it was all blurry. The only thing she could see was a giant rabbit standing over her.

“Go away, rabbit. Shoo.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic