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“It always needs to go whenever I tell it that it can’t.”

Dear. Lord.

“Then we’ll be going in the family bathroom.”

Her eyes widened. “I’ll tell it to behave.”

He nodded. “We go to one store. No more than an hour. No complaints.”

“Sir, yes, sir.”

He set her on her feet with a sharp smack to her bottom for her smart mouth.

“Go upstairs. Walk,” he warned knowing her penchant for rushing everywhere and getting hurt. “Change your clothes into something less noticeable.”

She stiffened.

Fuck. He realized too late that he’d likely insulted her. Today, she was wearing a pretty blue dress with white polka dots that he knew she had made herself. She looked cute as fuck.

And you just told her to get out of it.

“I didn’t—”

“Okay,” she said quietly. “What would you like me to wear?”

He sighed. “Listen to me. I didn’t mean to insult you, doll. Think you look cute in that dress. I love all your outfits. But if we’re going out, I don’t want to draw attention.”

“I highly doubt that any of the Devil’s Sinners are going to be shopping at the fabric store,” she pointed out.

He just gave her a look. She sent him a salute.



It kind of hurt. She wouldn’t lie.

How often had she been told to be less? To be less exuberant? To make herself smaller by dressing down, by being quieter, by keeping her mouth shut?

She hadn’t expected it from him.

Stop being silly, Millie. He didn’t mean it like that. This is because of safety. She gave herself a pep talk as she climbed into the only dark, boring clothes she owned. Which was a pair of black yoga pants and a long T-shirt. She grabbed one of Spike’s hoodies, which she swam in but she didn’t have anything suitable.

Taking a deep breath, she let it out slowly, trying to push away the pain. She knew he hadn’t meant to hurt her. Had seen the regret in his face. Still, she should try to keep things low-key while she was out.

She didn’t want to embarrass him.

Forcing a big smile on her face, she walked out of the bedroom and down the stairs.

“I’m ready, Daddy!” she said.

Oh. He probably didn’t want her calling him that in public. Spike. Spike. Spike.

She grabbed her shoes and huge handbag from the closet.

“Mr. Fluffy, come on! We’re going for a ride.”

She set her handbag down to put on her shoes. She hopped around on one foot as she drew the left one on. Then she tried to do the same with the other foot, only she jumped on top of her loose laces and nearly went flying forward headfirst.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic