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Because she was here on a mission. And that didn’t include playing out a fantasy with Spike. She hadn’t asked him at all today about that Devil’s Sinners.

Because you don’t want to leave here. Leave him.

“Brought you in here because some more things arrived for you today.” He pointed over at the bed where a number of items had been laid out. There were several rompers, one with a dinosaur and another with puppies and a third one with ruffles on the bottom.

“That is sooo cute,” she exclaimed, immediately picking up the one with the ruffles. She glanced over at the panties, blushing at the thought of him buying them for her.

There was also a pale lavender dress with a layered bottom that would barely cover her ass.

Although maybe that was the point. Combined with the panties with ruffles and it would be freaking adorable.

“This one?” He pointed to the one in her hand.

She nodded and he helped her get into the romper. Apparently getting dressed on her own was a thing of the past. The romper was tighter than she would usually wear and she worried for a moment that she looked ridiculous in it.

She twisted to try and look at her ass in the short pants. “My bottom isn’t sticking out is it?”

“Oh yeah. Fucking hot.” His gaze was riveted on her ass and she found herself blushing.

Well, okay, maybe if he thought she looked good she should stop worrying so much. It wasn’t always easy and she knew she would still feel self-conscious at times, but it helped to see the hunger in his gaze when he stared at her.

To know this sexy, gorgeous guy wanted her.

Even if he would never be hers. She had to make sure to remind herself of that so she didn’t get caught up in the idea of having him for good. That would just lead to heartache.

And she couldn’t afford any more of that in her life.

“Can I wear this tomorrow?” She held up the lavender dress and he gave her a nod, although she saw the way the skin at the corners of his eyes crinkled. That was about as close to a smile as he got.

She spotted another outfit. It was a pale pink leotard with a tutu attached.

“For my dancing girl,” he told her.

Tears actually filled her eyes. He’d bought her an outfit to dance in? It was seriously cute. Even though she didn’t think there was any way she could wear it.

“I love it, Daddy. Thank you.”

“Dance for me in it.”

She knew he didn’t mean right now. But truth was, she wasn’t sure she could be comfortable wearing it in front of him, let alone dancing in it. So instead of saying anything, she set it down and skipped over to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Daddy, you’re spoiling me.”

“You deserve it.”

She wasn’t so sure about that.

“Something else to show you.” He took hold of her hand and led her to the last bedroom. She’d never been in this one.

Opening the door, he led her inside. She froze just in the doorway, looking on in shock.

“What is this?”

“This is for you.” He cleared his throat. “Don’t know how long you’ll be stuck here.”

Stuck? She didn’t like the sound of that, but she pushed that thought aside as he kept going.

“Remembered how you said you liked to sew, so I got you this?”

He got her this? He’d just bought it for her? She walked closer, looking at the sewing machine reverently. It wasn’t just any sewing machine; it was the best on the market. And she knew that wouldn’t be a coincidence. Spike was methodical. He would have done his research and bought this one because it was the best.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic