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Before she could remind herself to shift, she found herself slipping off to sleep.


She stared down at the omelet the next morning. Were those vegetables in there? Eww. Seriously what did the man have against carbs?

Another bottle of fairy juice was placed in front of her. This time it was a light green color and had slices of cucumber in it. She gave it a doubtful look.

“Try it. Don’t like it, I’ll make you the strawberry one.”

Well. Okay. She took a small sip. That wasn’t too bad.

Spike had already left the bed when she’d woken. She still couldn’t believe she’d fallen asleep on his chest. Shockingly, the man was a damn good cuddler. Like sleeping with a giant teddy bear, except harder. After brushing her teeth and getting dressed, she’d walked downstairs to find him. When he wasn’t in any of the obvious places, she’d given Mr. Fluffy a sausage link from the fridge to keep him occupied while she’d searched the rest of the house.

And she’d found him in the gym.

Holy. Hell.

She was still hot and bothered from watching him work out. That man could make sweat look good. She’d never thought that was possible.

A buzzer interrupted her musings. She gave Spike a startled look, but he didn’t seem concerned as he checked his phone. He’d already showered and eaten most of his breakfast. He tapped her plate. “Want to see most of that gone by the time I return.”

She sighed, but nodded as he got up.

“Where are you going?”

“Some packages have arrived. Will be the stuff we ordered for you. Gonna go down to the gate and grab them. Stay here. Eat. Drink.”

She waited until she heard the front door open and close then she stood.

“Mr. Fluffy, want some omelet?”

Spike had already cut it up into bite-sized pieces. She pushed them into Mr. Fluffy’s bowl. He waddled over and stuffed his face into the bowl while she ran upstairs to where her stash of sugar was. She ate a Twizzler and some M&Ms.

Racing downstairs, she was nearly at the bottom before he opened the door.

“What are you doing running down the stairs!” he barked.

She cried out and tripped. Tensing, she brought her arms up to her face to try to prevent it from being smashed against the wooden stairs.

To her shock, she didn’t hit hard stairs, instead she smashed into a firm chest. A pair of arms surrounded her as he grunted at the impact, slamming into the railing.

She shuddered, her breath coming in pants at her near-miss.

Shit. Spike was quick.

“Little girl,” he growled at her.

“Yes?” She risked a glance up at him.

Oh, he was really not happy.

“What do you have to say for yourself?”

“Umm, good catch, Daddy?”

“What were you doing, running down the stairs like that? Damn foolish thing to do.”

She’d come to understand that his grumbling was because he was concerned.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic