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“How do you know my full name?”

“Looked at your license.”

He’d looked at her license?


“When you went to the bathroom at Pinkies the other night. Needed to check you were who you said you were.”

Leaning back, he whipped off his T-shirt, putting all those muscles and abs on display.

Had she ever seen a man so ripped before? If she had, she’d certainly never been close enough to touch. Leaning up, she ran a finger down his abs.



She pulled her hand away, blushing. Doofus. Way to make an idiot of yourself. She attempted to submerge again, but he grabbed her, drawing her back up.

Then he pointed at her. “Stay there.”

Drat. She really thought it would be better if she could just hide at this point.

“Want to explain yourself?”

“Umm. I thought you looked hot, Daddy.”

He gave her a skeptical look. Yeah, he wasn’t buying what she was selling.


“Uh-huh. Like you needed cooling down.”

Although she hadn’t factored in him removing his shirt. She couldn’t decide if that was a good thing or a bad thing. She wiped at her chin, making sure she wasn’t drooling.

“Little girl, splashing is naughty.”

“Sorry, Daddy. I won’ts do it again.” She could feel herself regressing further and tried to pull herself back.

“Wish I believed that.”

“I’m good girl, Daddy. Perfect little princess.”

He snorted at her silliness but she thought she saw a hint of a smile. Maybe.

He helped her out and dried her off as she stood on the fluffy bath mat. That feeling of being taken care of flooded her again. Then he helped her get dressed in a clean pair of panties and these soft, flannel pajamas she’d made for

herself with dinosaurs on them.

Finally, he cleaned up while she brushed her teeth then he checked her bandage. Her burn looked really good so he left it off. He grabbed her hair brush and led her back to the bedroom. His bedroom. She eyed the hair brush worriedly.

He wasn’t really mad over her splashing him, was he?

“You look worried,” he murmured as he drew her over to the bed. “Concerned about going across my knee and getting a well-deserved paddling?”

“It is not well-deserved. I is a good girl.”

“Uh-huh. Splashing Daddy should come with consequences.” He stood in front of her and smacked the smooth side of the hair brush against his thigh. “Wonder what that should be.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic