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“You’re with me now. I have you. Shh. It’s all right. Calm down for me, baby. I have you.”

He massaged her bottom lightly, holding her head to his chest as she sobbed with relief.

“I was coming for you. I will always come for you.”

“Where did you find me?”

“On the side of the road. You must have collapsed in exhaustion. I got you into the truck and back here.”

“I was trying to reach the road. To get to help. My phone died. There were people chasing me. From the house.”

“You don’t need to worry about them. There’s no fucking way they’re getting in here even if they do figure out where you are. This safe room was built in case we had clients who needed to hide for a while. It’s completely secure. I own the entire building.”

She was safe. She was with Ink.

“The boys?” she asked suddenly. “Are they okay? Did your friend get them out?”

“They’re fine, brown eyes. Matthieu got them out and they’re on their way here.”

“Oh thank God.” Tears flooded her eyes. “All these months I’ve lived with the threat of him hurting them. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome, brown eyes. I told you, I will always look after you. That also means the people you love.”

She hugged him tight.

“Babe, have you got the pen drive?”

“Y-yes.” She reached into her pocket and pulled out the pen drive. “Here. I don’t know what’s on it.” God, she hoped it was enough for her to be safe. For Ink to be safe.

She couldn’t believe it. She was out safely.

“W-what happens now?”

“Now, I get Brody to look this over while I make sure you’re okay. You might have to stay here a few days, but hopefully there’s something on here to buy us some leverage.”

Her breath sawed in and out of her chest as everything rushed through her.

“Ink…I can’t breathe.”

“Easy. Easy, baby. Big, slow deep breaths. Come on, breathe for me.” He sat up with her straddling him. He attempted to draw her back away from him, but she clung to him with a loud cry.

“Don’t let me go.”

“I won’t, brown eyes. I won’t.”


“I promise.”

He managed to get some space between them, and tilted her chin up, studying her face. “Just breathe.”

“I can’t…I don’t think I can cope…I need…”

“It’s all right, brown eyes. Just let it go. You don’t need to worry about anything right now. I’m here. I’ll take over.”

“I should…I should be stronger…I just…” She’d reached her limit. Everything was piling on top of her.

She couldn’t breathe.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic