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“Brody,” Ink snapped.

She could feel herself growing bright red.

“Sorry,” Brody muttered.

“He has a tendency to open his mouth without thinking,” Ink told her. “We need to get Betsy out of here without him seeing. We’ll go out the back way. Leave all her stuff in the room so they can’t trace her.”

“I…I…Ink I can’t go with you.”

She waited for the explosion. But to her shock, he just ignored her, looking over at Duke. “Can you get my truck brought around to the back entrance?”

“Ink,” she said loudly. “I can’t go with you.”

“You are not going back there.”

“My boys—”

Ink stood and set her down on the end of the bed. He pointed at Duke. “She doesn’t move from t

his room. I’m going to go call Matthieu, he’s smart and deadly and he owes me a favor. He’ll get your sons out. Then there’s no reason for you to stay.”

“What about the evidence he has? What about his threat to release it and get Baron arrested for Rex’s murder?”

Ink paused and stared down at her. He seemed so calm that it surprised her. Then he looked over at Brody.

“You can get that evidence off his computer?”

“Maybe. If it’s hooked to a Wi-Fi system and he doesn’t have it backed up anywhere,” Brody told him.

“He owns at least three houses,” she told them. “He could have the evidence at all of them. I can’t take the risk.”

They all fell silent.

“We need something on him. Something that will keep him quiet,” Reyes suddenly said. He looked at her. “You think there’s something like that we could use?”

“I don’t know much about what he does, but I know a lot of it isn’t legal. I guess there could be something in his office. If I could gain access…”

“No!” Ink said. “Not. Fucking. Happening.”

“I could give her a pen drive,” Brody told them. “All she’d have to do was plug it into his computer, and it would suck up all the files. Few minutes tops.”

“He’s not there at the moment,” she whispered. “There are guards and cameras, though. Kit, the guy that took over from Rex, sometimes he goes away with him, other times he stays at the house. If he’s around, I don’t think I’ll get into the office. He’s always the one who monitors my phone. Plus, the office is locked when Forrest isn’t in there. How will I get a key?”

“Why kind of lock is it?” Brody asked. “Deadbolt or a simple latch lock?”

She gave him a confused look. He brought something up on his laptop then turned the screen to her.

“Is it like that?”

She nodded.

“Good. That’s easy. All you need is a credit card to force open the lock.”

“I don’t have a credit card.” Force open the lock? Who did he think she was?

“We can get you a card. I have one you can take. I’ll cancel it and get a new one. I can show you a video on what to do.” He looked over at Ink. “If we find out what security system he uses, I might be able to take care of the cameras. I could cut them out a few times before she goes in. So the guards get lax about it.”

“This is not happening. She can’t do this.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic