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“Prove it. Tell me what’s going on. Trust me with the truth.”

It sounded so simple and yet she was in an impossible place and he knew that. She was being torn in two.

But doesn’t he deserve to know it all? To know who’s coming after him? To protect himself.

If Forrest ever found out that she told him though…

She looked around at the others. It was one thing to trust Ink but she didn’t know these guys.

“You can trust them as well, Betsy. I own Callahan Security, and you know that I’m ex-Special Forces. Well, so are most of the guys I hire. Brody here is my tech expert. He’s worked for me for years. Duke and Reyes are my MC brothers. I grew up with Duke. There’s no one I trust more. Reyes is our President. He might seem like a scary bastard, but he’s got a soft spot for women. We’ll all protect you.”

Reyes grunted at that but didn’t say anything to contradict what Ink said.

She licked her dry lips. What choice did she really have? “You have to get my sons to safety.” They were most important.

“Of course. Where are they?”

“At a boarding school in Texas. He’ll have people watching them, though. I can’t just go in and take them out.”


; “Their names?”

“Royal and Baron.”

“Dates of birth?” Brody asked.

“They’re twins. They were born January nineteenth, two thousand and four.

Ink frowned. “You were only fourteen when you had them?”

“What? Oh, no. They’re not my biological sons. When I met my husband, the boys were eight. I love them like they’re my own.”

“And your husband?” Ink asked in a tight voice.

“Dead,” she said in a flat voice. “Long may he rot in hell.”

Quiet filled the room.

“There’s no record of your marriage,” Brody finally interjected.

“There was a ceremony, but it wouldn’t surprise me if the officiant wasn’t licensed. I signed documents. Maybe he didn’t have them filed. Or maybe the whole thing was faked. I was still young and naïve back then.”

“Who was your husband?” Ink asked her.

She’d reached it. The point of no return.

Like you’re not past it anyway. You were past it the moment you gave Ink that note, warning him.

“His name was Rex Harrison.” She sucked in a breath. “My husband was an abusive asshole who worked as a bodyguard for the only man I’ve met who was more evil than he is. The man attempting to frame you for murdering the senator.”

“And his name?” Ink asked. “Who is this asshole?”

“Forrest Robins.”


Ink froze.

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic