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She was staring off into the distance, her eyes unseeing and he cleared his throat. “Down here are the open themed rooms. Open because they have viewing windows where you can look in on people’s scenes.”

“They…they want to be watched?” she asked.

“Not much different than out in the dungeon. Except these scenes are in special rooms.”

The lighting was better in here so he took the chance to study her. She had some light make-up on, not a hair was out of place, her lips were full and pink, her eyebrows arched, her brown eyes staring at everything around her but him. Everything about her was poised and elegant.

Except, there was this slight crink in her nose. Not noticeable unless you looked closely. But it made her look less like a doll and more like a real person.

“If people want more privacy, there are more rooms upstairs that are reserved for private play.”

He stepped forward then noticed she wasn’t with him. He turned to her with a slight frown.

“Betsy, what did I tell you about where you should walk?” He dropped his voice.

She quickly moved towards him. “Sorry.”

He didn’t want to push her too far too fast, but she needed to learn to listen and obey.

“What do you call me?”

“Sorry, Sir.”

“Do it again and there will be some punishment.”

Her breath hitched. Her eyes widened. And yep, he felt like an asshole. He hardened himself against that thought.

“P-punishment?” she squeaked. “But we’re not…isn’t tonight about ob-observing? Sir?”

“Tonight is about teaching you. And no, we’re not scening. However, there are other forms of discipline that don’t require me to touch you.”

“Like what?” she asked, sounding genuinely curious.

“Well, I could make you stand in the corner of the dungeon. Nose pressed against the wall, hands behind your back, ass pushed out.”


He had to bite back another grin at her indignation. He needed to be firm right now. But damn, that was cute.

Okay…why did he keep thinking she was cute? Cute didn’t describe her looks. But her behavior. Yeah, cute.

“I would.”

“But that’s…that’s…”


“Kind of mean.”

“You were given a rule. You were given a reminder. Now you know that if you keep breaking the rule, then you’ll be given a punishment.”

She blinked and seemed to think about that for a moment. “How do I know what’s a rule and what’s not?”

“There are club rules to follow. You’ve been given those?”

“Not yet, Sir,” she whispered.

“Fucking hell, Angus. What is he doing?”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic