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Because there was a part of him that really hoped Sunny was right. That she was a pawn being used, being forced to take part in this and that her note to him had been real. Had been her way of warning him.

She didn’t move and he sighed. He wasn’t one to make empty threats.

“That’s it, baby. Christ, you’re gorgeous.” He kept up an endless stream of talk as he started to move towards her.

She jolted, must have read the intent on his face because she reached shakily for the back of her dress. It was black, of course, and hung off her as though she’d lost weight since buying it. She was so fucking thin, it scared him.

And it annoyed him that he cared so much.

“So gorgeous, baby. Let me see more of you.”

Her hands shook as she undressed. He kept one eye on her as he opened up the laptop Brody had set up. He’d put together some bits of porn to cover for them. And Ink had done some recordings of his voice to make it more believable.

Fucking hell.

When she was down to her underwear, he picked up the bug detector. Yeah, maybe he could have let her keep all her clothing on, but he needed to be sure.

And he was letting her keep her underwear.

“Want some music, baby?” he asked, switching on some mood music. He ran the bug detector over her body. Nothing came up so he handed her the robe.

Quickly, she wrapped the robe around herself. He then ran the detector over her belongings. Still nothing. Good. He took her hand and she flinched back, but he held on tight. Christ, he felt like a pig. When he looked at her, he still saw his Betsy.

His sub.

His baby girl.

You still can’t trust her. Not until you find out the truth. Maybe not even then.

He turned on the porn, the noises of fucking filling the room. She was trembling and he had to stop himself from reacting to her fear. Grabbing her arm, he herded her into another room and closed the door behind him.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“Not yet.”

He moved them into the next room where Duke, Reyes, Brody and Razor were. Brody was sitting in front of a few computer screens he’d set up earlier. Reyes was leaning against the wall behind him, while Razor and Duke stood across the room.

Betsy gasped when she saw them all, moving closer to Ink which satisfied the caveman inside him.

Shit. Not now.

“Got eyes everywhere?” he asked Brody as he moved Betsy over to a chair.

“Yep, we’re clear. For the moment. There was someone following her. They’re down in the lobby, talking on their phone, probably trying to get instructions on what to do next.”

“Good. I didn’t find any bugs on her but I put the porn on just in case.”

“What …what’s going on?” Betsy asked. “Who are you all?”

He braced himself for her fear, but when he turned to her that mask was on her face. She held herself stiffly.

Question was, which was the real Betsy? The shy, sweet princess or this cold ice queen?

“I’ll be down by the elevators in case the guy waiting downstairs manages to get up here,” Razor said before leaving.

“Ink?” Betsy questioned, watching them all warily.

He paced back and forth in front of her. “I’m asking the questions now, babe.”

Tags: Laylah Roberts MC Daddies Erotic